•twenty eight•

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I like that photo of Harry.. That's a nice photo.

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DEDICATING THIS CHAPTER TO pokemonniall! If you haven't already, read her books, they are all amazing, but personally I absolutely adore Boarding School! Thanks pokemonniall for being so supportive with Votes & Comments, it might not seem like much, but it means a lot❤️

Monday - Third Period - PE

Mr. Malone spend the whole fifteen minutes of our break time yelling at us. Kev looked guilty, but never apologised. Me on the other hand, I was picking at my nails, apologising and saying I was going to change.

"Well, you are late for your next class Mr. Gilbert, off you go... Alexa, I'd like to speak to you some more, if that's alright?" Mr. Malone asks politely as I nod. Kev looks at me and I just nod him away.

He sighs and walks out. The whole room falls silent and I wonder if this is going to be another pointless chat that I always seem to find myself in with the headmaster.

"You've apologised," he nods and I do, too, "but no matter how much more times you apologise, you do the wrong thing. I don't think, this is going to work. You're too busy trying to get everyone to like tou, that you forget the actual reason you came here," he looks at me, disappointed.

"You're on one last chance, if you blow it, it won't be suspension, it'll be straight to expulsion. I have known your stepfather for a long time, but I can't ruin the school reputation trying to reach out to one individual who doesn't want help," he says, serious in his voice.

"I am going to be good. I am trying, just sometimes I let my behaviour slip and I can't help it, it just happens," I shrug. I actually can help it, but schools shit.

"I want you to pick a subject and focus really hard on it, make it what you live for and put one hundred percent into it. Try as hard as you can and ace it," he says, using his fist to show some enthusiasm.

"Why not all my subjects?" I ask, confused. I thought it would be about lack of effort.

"You're brilliant at everything, really brilliant.. but.. you need to focus on one thing, really focus, don't give it full one day, then ten percent the next day, just keep working at it," he smiles, "you're older than everyone in your year, prove that you are smarter than them too, you are a very bright girl, whatever is holding you back, get rid of it and start moving forward with your life, I can see big things for you in the future," he grins and I nod.

"Okay.. bye sir?" I raise my eyebrow and exit the headmasters office. I walk slowly to my next class. PE. Here we go.

When I get in, I notice it isn't Miss Gones, it's a new person and he is very attractive if I do say so myself. I walk up to him and smile as he looks down at me.

"What's with the lateness?" He asks, his American accent filling my ears. I blush and push my hands deep into my leather jacket.

"I uh.. I was with Mr. Malone, sir," I smirk and he nods.

"Ah, you're the girl who disrupted the whole assembly and had the whole school cheering. I remember you," he replies, but cracks a smile.

"Where's your PE kit?" He asks, looking down at my school uniform and I shrug.

"In my room, I didn't have time because I was at Mr. Maloney office-" I do try to finish the last part of office, but he cuts me off.

"Yeah, yeah. You can go a message for me then..." He says, pulling out a brown envelope, "Mr. Malone told me you might not be good at participating. Your last teacher told me you were good, just lazy," he smiles and I roll my eyes, snatching the envelope and walking off the pitch and into the warm school. Why are they out in this?

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