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Oh my god. I start this shitty school bang on in the middle of nowhere tomorrow. The only plus side is I get to have my own room, because I'm older and I shouldn't actually be in school, it's brilliant, also partly because I told them I wasn't sharing a room with kids.

It just meant that Jack had to pay a lot more, and thank god because now I have a double bed. Result! I go down to the cafeteria. I get a few glimpses now and again. The worst thing is, I've only saw one good looking guy in this whole school, and that was that boy I bumped into before summer, I don't even know if he's even a pupil, he looked a touch older than me.

I sit down at a table when I get a Sandwich and milk. I notice a geeky boy writing in a note pad.

"Hey," I say and the boy looks up. He has straight shortish brown hair up in a quiff like thing, he's wearing massive glasses and looks around.

"M-me?" He says startled. He adjusts his glasses and straightens his posture, he looks nervous as if it's the first ever time he's ever been spoken to a girl.

"Nah man, the guy behind you, " I say sarcastically, I start laughing like mad when he turns around. A tall old woman comes up to me.

"Marcel, is she bothering you?" She says giving me a dirty look then giving Marcel an apologetic smile.

"No miss, she was just... Um," he seems at loss of words. So I turn to face her.

"I've come to make friends with Marcel here, as I'm new and very lonely miss," I say cracking a smile.

"That charm won't work on me dear, I know all about you, I bet your middle name is 'trouble', but believe me sweetheart, you won't get away with any of the mischief you did in your other school," she says looking down.

"I hope it wasn't too bad, I've been informed this young lady will be in my class all year," a very sexy, raspy voice says. I turn and meet a pair of familiar green eyes. That same smirk playing on his lips.

"You're a teacher?" I say practically panting. I look him up and down. He's wearing a white button up and black skinny jeans. He looks amused, but clears his voice.

"Yes, I'm Mr. Styles, I'll be your music teacher," he grins. His tongue comes out and slides along his bottom lip.

"Fuck--I mean, cool, nice to meet you," we shake hands and that evil bitches face nearly explodes.

"Was that a swear word! We will not tolerate that kind of language in this school!" She raises her voice and the very few people in hear turn and stare at us.

"Oh shit, sorry, see I don't even mean it, it's just an instinct..." I giggle. I hear a quiet chuckle from Marcel. I look at Mr. Styles but he doesn't really seem... Pleased, but I can tell he is hiding a smile to try and act professional in front of this old witch.

"Marcel! Don't find this amusing! That's what she wants, she wants an audience," she says, Marcel puts his head back into his book and I stand there.

"See you later Marcel," I say flashing him a smile. That evil teacher walks away. As I pass Mr. Styles, my arm brushes against his. I immediately feel some sort of energy between us. I that stupid? Of course it is, he's my teacher.

When I enter an empty corridor, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and I see Mr. Styles. It's those goddamned curls, they've got me hooked.

He walks along side me, "That was quite the impression you made there, you don't want to get on the wrong side of Miss Anderson, she can take Detention to a whole new level."

"I was in detention that much, the teachers didn't even have to guess, it was like an instinct, I'm a bad girl sir, the sooner you realise that, the better," I smirk. He looks a little taken aback.

"Yes.. Well.. You mustn't swear in class, or misbehave," he says, there's a bit of plead in his voice.

"Is that a question or a telling, because it kind of sounded like you hope I will, not really telling me," I say looking at him. He looks a little confused but catches on.

"I might be nice out of class, but I take misbehaviour quite serious, so don't push it Davids," he says and I'm completely blown away.

"How do you know my second name, are you stalking me," I say once I stop in front of a class room.

"You're the talk of the school, apparently you're a rebellious child that the school are hoping to cure," he laughs and I almost kiss him for the way his eyes twinkle.

"I'm not a child, I'm eighteen," I say and he looks stunned but weirdly relieved. I giggle at his shocked expression.

"Hey, Styles?" I say and he turns around.

"Do we get any internet connection?" I ask and he almost laughs. I feel gutted, how am I meant to live here man.

"Hardly," he sighs, "goodbye Alexa," he says entering his classroom. I watch him making his way to his desk.

"Goodbye Styles," I say and look his fine body up and down before prancing down the hall and up the stairs to my room.

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