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Alexa's POV

I wake up on Tuesday morning and get ready slowly, Niall left a few hours ago after an hour of sex. Oh boy was I right about him being good. Damn. Still not as good as Harry, as much as I hate to admit it.

I throw on a red laced bra, and matching red panties to go with it. I throw on some tights, put on my shirt, tucking it unto my tights, making sure my top button is undone. I put my short pencil skirt on, and the horrible tie, leaving it loose and messy. I curl my blonde hair and do my makeup the same as every other day, foundation, powder, mascara, eyeliner, pink lipstick. After brushing my teeth and all that jazz, I exit my room. I text on my way down the corridor, texting is okay, but calling, you literally cannot do, it just doesn't work. The connection I mean.

I get into my English class and sit down.

"Miss Davids, could I speak to you outside for a moment?" Miss Anderson says, strangely calm. I nod and exit.

I wait in the corridor, a few disapproving looks from members of staff, like what the fuck? It might not be bad, fucking cunts. Bit harsh, sorry.

She steps outside, "okay, well.. I've had a few words with Mr. Malone, I'm willing to give this another shot, apart from the misbehaviour, your previous school did tell me that you are most definitely a Grade A student in English. I'd like to start over, and for you to really try... Could you do that?" She practically begs.

"Sure, and Miss I'm sorry for everything, it was all going to my head a bit," I say and she looks so stunned I apologised.

"All is good dear, now get in there and prove that you will be my best pupil!" She says enthusiastically.

I go in and my eyes connect with Niall's, I smirk and nod in his direction, and he sends one back. I sit next to Marcel. I remove my denim jacket, due to being too warm. I didn't even bother to bring a bag, but I did really try in all my classes, then it got to Music.


I enter Mr. Styles' class and he immediately looks away. Fuck sake, don't tell me we are back to ignoring each other.

The full period I have Niall flirting in my ear, which I do occasionally do back, but Harry hasn't even looked in my direction, or spoke to me, or picked me when I raised my hand.

When the bell rings, we all exit, and I don't even give Harry another glimpse. I'll just come down tonight. When we are alone.


I haven't ate all day, not even a little chocolate bar. It's around ten, everyone's away to bed, the schools still pretty empty because the bad weather picked up again when everyone was meant to come home today.

In my pyjama short shorts and big wooly jumper that practically covers my shorts, I throw on my black converse and exit my room. I slowly make my way down to the music department. I notice he's not alone, I sneak along the wall and see Marcel and Harry talking.

"If you like her, even if it's inappropriate, you have to tell her, you can't just lie to yourself and pretent you're in love with Amber, if you have feelings for Alexa," Marcel says and my heart melts.

"She fucked Niall. After everything on Sunday, she jumped into bed with Niall," he says.

"What happened on Sunday?" Marcel says and Harry's eyes go wide.


"Oh my god, you and Alexa had s-e-x, didn't you?" Marcel says wide-eyed.

"A..little bit," I try to hold in my laughter 'a little bit', oh god Harry, you're something else boy.

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