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I get off the train and phone Harry, he doesn't answer, so he must be driving. I pull the hood up, of the jumper he lent to me, with my back pack on my back. I look down at my lock screen, of Michael and I. I still feel worn out due to my hangover, and I do feel very icky.

A few minutes later, I notice Harry's black Range Rover pull into the parking lot. I lightly jog in the rain and climb in. He looks over at me and I look away.

"Thanks for picking me up," I say, making sure not to look at his intense stare.

"No problem," he sighs, seeming a lot more calmer than usual, "what did you do last night?" He asks, intrigued.

"Uh, told Zayn's girlfriend he cheated on her with me, but she already knew, then I went and got drunk with Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton," I shrug.

"I'm guessing you have quite a big hangover then?" He asks, chuckling.

"I guess so," I shrug.

"What did Zayn say to you?"

"He came by my house this morning..." I say nervously, "and we uh... Talked," I shrug.

"I doubt you just talked," he says, but doesn't seem dazed at all.

"Doubt away. How did it go with Amber?"

"Uh, okay I guess," he shrugs and I feel that awkward tension.

"Cool..." I say, nodding. We both drive in silence until we get to school.

"Are you guys dating again?" I say, regretting the fact I even asked.

"Yeah," he shrugs, casually, "what about you and Zayn?" I feel a certain anger towards him so I let it out.

"No, but, we had some pretty hot sex before I came back, he is just pure and utter fucking heaven," I giggle, pretending to look back on the thought as Harry frowns, pure livid, "he's seriously a sex god.."

I walk back to school, looking over my shoulder to a Harry with his jaw clenched tight, "thanks for the lift Harry, that was generous," but he doesn't answer me, he just slams his car door shut then locks it. I walk inside then up to my room, plopping down on my bed.


Monday. Morning. Kill. Me. Now.

I decide to sleep in, missing first period, then arrive at Music, ten minutes late.

"Why are you late?" Mr. Styles answers sternly.

"I couldn't find my uniform," I shrug and he looks at me with an angered expression.

"Why was that?" He asks, irritation in his voice.

"Because I couldn't find it?" I say, giving him a retard face.

I notice a girl roll her eyes at me so I confront her, "have you got a fucking problem, bitch?" I say, and she growls at me.

"Who do you think are you talking to? You're a pure slut, everyone knows you sleep with Niall even though he's got a girlfriend of his own," she sniggers and I grab her by the hair and slam her face off of the table, causing her nose to bleed and tears to stream down her face, I pull her head up and say.

"If you ever so much as look in my direction, I will literally fucking kill you!" I say, and everyone looks at me frightened. Harry grabs me by my collar and throws me out of the classroom.

"That was well out of line! You will face serious punishment for what you did!" He screams.

"You know what! Fuck you! Fuck all of you! She started on me!" I shout, frowning.

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