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I go to my first class. English. Miss Anderson has took a strange liking to me, like she always praises me. I think she thinks that if she's nice to me, I'll do really well, because I'll probably be nice back. Niall isn't here, I wonder if he'll be in Music. I'm pulled out of the thoughts when the bell rings, indicating we've to go to second period.

I texted Harry last night, to see if we were okay, he read it and patched me. It's going to be very awkward now. I walk down the corridor slowly, then I bump into Niall. I don't know why I'm trying, I have to keep reminding myself it was his own goddamned fault.

"Where were you?" I ask, "you smell of cheap perfume and sex," I give him a look, "you had sex with Jessica!" I grin and then he blushes. I squish his cheeks walking into music class.

I give him a light few slaps when I was done, "I taught you well," I wink playfully then we burst out laughing.

"Quieting down now!" Mr. Styles shouts. The whole class goes silent while Niall and I make our way to our seats.

"Okay class! Listen up!" He says. Well, more like shouts.

"Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," I say to Niall gesturing to Harry.

"I know right! Ha!" Niall practically shouts. Fucking idiot man.

"Mr. Horan! What's so funny?" Mr. Styles says loudly.

"N-nothing sir," he says, stuttering.

"Do you usuallh laugh for no reason? If so, you might need to go for a check up..." Harry slags Niall. All the slutty girls in our class giggle flirtatiously at Mr. Styles.

"Who shat in his coco pops this morning?" I whisper to Niall and he really does burst out laughing. He'll laugh at anything. Literally I could say 'poodles getting manicures' and he'd keel over, practically wailing.

"Niall! For crying out loud, pull yourself together!" Mr. Styles shouts, but Niall literally can't, he's red in the face and it makes me burst out laughing and then Niall and I are in a laughing fit whilst the whole class watch us make a fool of ourselves in front of Mr. Styles.

"Both of you, wait in the corridor!" He balls, as a wipe a tear that actually came out in the process of laughing too much.

Niall and I walk to towards the classroom door and I hold onto him for support because I am literally killing myself. What I said wasn't funny, but you know when you just feel like laughing and someone else is and you need to too? It's like that, I was just in a good mood. Weirdly enough.

We stand in the corridor the full lesson, laughing, chatting, Niall asking me for tips on Jessica. I told him all the moves girls like; I told him all the things girls don't like in a guy. What's romantic and what's not. What she really means when she does certain things.

Now I need to go and sort out my own relationship. The bell rings and everyone exits. Harry motions for us to come into his classroom. I shut the door behind Niall and I.

He looks pissed off as his eyes dart from Niall to me. He squints them, "So Niall, what was so funny that caused you to disrupt the rest of the class?" Mr. Styles says beyond irritated.

"I was just laughing at Alexa's jokes, she was just telling jokes and I found them funny," Niall shrugs.

"What kind of jokes?" Harry asks and Niall is about to speak.

"Sexual jokes, really sexual," I nod, Niall and I start giggling. Harry looks at me with anger flaring in his eyes.

"You know what Niall? you're dismissed, I believe Alexa is just a bad influence on you, you should pick your friends more carefully," Harry says not removing his eyes from mine.

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