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I tap along to the unfamiliar song on the radio station, in Harry's car. All week, we've barely spoken, or even glanced at each other. Niall has been too loved up with Jessica, they've even decided not to go to their parents' houses, so they can spend the weekend together, which, in my opinion, is just stupid.

I wasn't going to come this weekend, but it's Friday night and all I'm doing is sitting in my dorm room, eating Doritos, so why not? Also, Anne called Marcel, insisting that I come, I think she's grown fond of me. I think she thinks Harry and I are still... Whatever the fuck we were.

We park in the driveway and I step out of the familiar black Range Rover and onto the stoney path, making my way to the door. I chap and Anne answers, giving me a hug. It's really late, probably around half ten at night, but oh well, Anne didn't mind anyway.

"Hello sweetheart! How's you and Harry?" She says, whispering the last part, but I don't answer, due to the boys coming in. I take it as a chance to escape and go straight to the guest room and put my bag in.

"I know you guys are probably exhausted, but do you want to watch a movie, Robin and I are going to watch The Fault in Our Stars because I've been told of off numerous people to watch it, it's on this movie site on the internet so we hooked it up to the television..." She smiles and I immediately agree.

"I'm in love with the book! I'll watch it with you," I say, the boys walk into the living room and plop down on the couch. I'm not the one for reading, but when it's John Green books, yes please.

I sit at one side of Marcel, Harry on the other. I can feel the tension radiating around the room, it's very, very awkward. Not for Anne, or Robin, but Marcel, me and Harry. I can tell he finds it awkward being sat between us, because he nervously fidgets with his fingers.


By the end of the movie, Robin and Anne went to bed, they called it rubbish. Yet, here it was, in tears, trying not to smudge my makeup.

I keep thinking about when Gus died.

"I'm gonna bed," Marcel yawns, gets up and walks out. I don't even think he realises that's he's left Harry and I alone.

"Are you okay?" Harry's voice breaks the silence.

"Yeah, fine. I love this movie, I just get so emotional over it though, even though I know it's fake..." I let out a strained laugh and stand up before two strong arms grip me and pull me down.

I land right on Harry's lap, and instead of groaning in pain for landing on his dick, he let's out a moan of pleasure and I smirk. Here we go again, it's like we're stuck on reply. Sex. Sex. Sex.

I let out a small laugh, blushing. I bite my lip and turn my face, looking over my shoulder and he's already looking at me. His strong, muscular arms turn me, so he can pick me up and my legs immediately go around his waist. He lifts me up the stairs quietly. My arms go around his neck and I hug him. I don't know why I crave his affection so much or why I feel like I need him.

"I miss you," I blurt out, then mentally slap myself.

"I miss you, too..." He says, slowly. He sits me on the bed, and I feel his grip loosen as he shuts the door.

"I kind of don't want sex right now," I say, he looks at me, with a 'really?' Face before shrugging. He goes into the drawers and throws a Rolling Stones t-shirt at me and a pair of his boxers.

"What's this for?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"Unless you want to trek downstairs and get your own pyjamas, I suggest you throw them on, it's freezing," he laughs and I feel relief.

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