Chapter Fifteen

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Jeff and Clint help me up and help me into the infirmary while Thomas and Minho are helping people get Alby into the infirmary and telling the story of last night.

Jeff and Clint set me down on one of the beds and puts my leg on the bed. They accidentally bump my foot and I try not to scream as a small whimper escapes my lips.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. That must've hurt, wow, I'm so sorry." Clint says trying to make me feel better.

I smile a little and shake my head. "It was an accident, you didn't mean to. It's okay." I say and he nods a little.

They work on my ankle as I close my eyes and just think.

"I'm sorry about last night." Thomas says in my head, causing me to jump a little and open my eyes.

Once I realize that it's once again in my head, I relax and close my eyes again.

"Whatever, don't forget I saved your butt too. So you owe me. You left me and I saved you, you're welcome."

"Amelia, it was a griever I did what I had to do." He says and I sit up, getting really pissed off.

"Yeah, to safe yourself. I almost got stung so you know what forget it. I was beginning to think you were nice and caring but no. You're a jerk who only cares about himself." I say and I can almost feel him sigh.

"Amelia, lay down." Jeff says from my side and I sigh laying back down. I watch as Jeff and Clint work on making me a cast type thing and look at me. "You're good. Just try not to walk on it that much. You can walk, but I would limit it to about two to three house a day. Not any longer." Clint says and I nod a little.

I sigh as I get up and limp to my hammock. I don't see Thomas anywhere, and I can't help but feel a little disappointed, that he wouldn't fight for me. Fight for my forgiveness.


I lay down and look at the ceiling of the homestead, lost in my own head. I hear someone walk up to me but I don't move, and I don't really want to know who it is.

I feel my hammock dip and I almost fall out of it. "Really? Sit in the hammock of the injured girl making her most fall out." I snap at the person above me. "Sorry, didn't mean that..." I hear Minho's voice say.

I look up at him and his face is unable to read any emotion. "What's wrong?" I ask softly as I sit up and reposition myself so he can sit a little bit more comfortable. "Why'd you run into the maze?" He asks and I just look at him, not really knowing my answer.

I realize I don't even know why I went into the maze, I didn't like seeing Minho struggling like he was and I wanted to help. I didn't want Minho to be trapped in the maze alone with someone who got stung. Maybe it's because I knew what was out there and I didn't want him not to come back, I have no idea.

"I honestly don't know." I say quietly and look at him. His expressionless face has been replaced by a shocked expression. "You are aware that you said all of that out loud? Right?" He said and I freeze. "No, I actually didn't know that." I say and look over at the ground next to me.

"Don't worry about it Amelia." Minho says and looks at his hands awkwardly. "So um, why did you come over here?" I ask softly and look at him. "Oh right, just wanted to check on your ankle." He says and looks at my makeshift cast. "It's okay, I mean it hurts still but I guess that's how things heal right?" I say and lean back.

"Thomas is really pissed by something, and Alby wants to know why." He blurts out and mutters something under his breath to himself. "How am I supposed to know? I don't follow his every step and emotion!" I say as my voice raises louder and louder.

"Hey shank! Shut it before I come over there and shut it for you!" Gally yells over at me.

"Get over yourself." I snap in his direction.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, get over yourself Captain Gally."

He gets up and walks over to me. "Get up shank, I'd like you to show me what you can do." He says and I get up slowly.

As soon I'm up he drags me over to this sand pit and pushes me in.

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