Chapter 34

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Panic is everywhere in the glade.

People are running all around trying to gather what they think they're going to need as Newt runs up to Thomas and I.

"Where have you been? I would have thought you would help us!" He yells at Thomas.

"I was getting Amelia! What do we need to do?" Thomas asks from next to me and I look at the still open doors.

Everything freezes for a second as a loud scraping noise comes from behind us.

We turn around and see another door opening, and then the noise comes again to our right and then our left. Three more doors have opened.

We're sitting ducks for these grievers.

"Get as many people you can get into the box. It hasn't gone down so I assume it's not going to. Get some people into the gathering hall. And hurry." Thomas says and Newt nods as a mechanical screech comes from one of the doors.

"Screw the plan. RUN!" Thomas yells and starts pulling me to the gathering hall.

I stumble after him and run as fast as I can.

"Come on, Amelia. You have to go." Thomas begs and I run as I can.

"I can't Thomas, go help everyone else. I'll get to the gathering hall. Please just go." I say softly and he looks at me.

"Amelia, I love you and I'm not leaving you." He says and my heart skips a beat.

"Thomas..." I say as another griever makes a sound but this time in the woods, getting closer.

He doesn't waste a moment and kisses me.

He puts his hand on my cheeks and pulls me closer to him.

Shocked, I don't kiss back for a moment or two but I finally do and put my hands over his. He pulls away and looks at he, without moving his hands.

"I'm not leaving you." He says softly.

I nod a little and smile softly. "Then let's go." I say and take his hand in mine and run over to Chuck who's standing having no idea where to go.

"Chuck, come on!" I yell pulling his arm with us and I look at Thomas who helps Chuck snap out of his phase.

I keep running until a griever pops out of nowhere.

I scream and fall on my butt wincing a little.

I look up at the griever and realize it was just in my head.

Shaking my head I get up and continue running.

Screams are echo through the glade and I look for Newt and Alby.

"Alby." I whisper and Thomas looks at me.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"Alby! He's not going to get here! He's going to stay out there!" I yell and start running back out to the glade.

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