Chapter 41

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Everyone charges at the grieves except for Chuck, Minho, Thomas, Newt and I.

We're focusing on getting everyone else safe and out of here.

The screams are deafening and they make my head spin.

Thomas looks at me worriedly but I wave him off as I begin to run at a Griever.

Everyone follows suit and I hit a few, making some fall off the edge.

"Minho, do you now any type of code?" I asked and take a deep breath before continuing.

Our group falls silent, the screams echoing off the walls of the chamber.

"The code of the maze sections!" Minho yells and starts running towards the door.

Thomas helps Chuck up and runs with him after Minho.

I look around and I can't find Newt.

"Shuck no." I mumble and I see Newt fighting off one of the last three grievers with the rest of them.

"Newt! Everyone! We know how to get out!" I yell as loud as I can and they all glance at me before continuing to fight and get closer to the door.

I run over to Thomas and I stumble over my own feet making me fall and skid on the hard cement flor.

"Amelia!" Thomas calls as he helps me up and helps me to the door.

"What's wrong?" He asks as I lean against him.

I shake my head, not knowing how to describe how the screams are affecting me.

"Okay what's the code?" Chuck asks Minho as all of us look back at the graders struggling to keep up.

"Amelia stay here. Minho, stay with her, Newt come with me. We need to help." Thomas says as he hands me off to Minho.

Minho puts an arm around my waist, he knows I'll try and run over to Thomas and help.

"Thomas no! You're going to die!" I say but Thomas and Newt join the fight anyway.

Minho turns me around as tears well up in my eyes and I look at the code.

"What's the code Minho?" I ask and try to block out the screams that sounds like the one I love.

"7-1-5-2-6-4-8-3." Minho says and I nod.

The red light shines on our faces and I'm confused for a second before I see the numbers around the edge of it.

"We have it! Thomas! Newt! Fry! Clint! Jeff! Winston! Come on!" Minho yells and a Griever screeches as I put in the code and feet scrambling to where we are.

As I put in the last number, the door slams shut and I can't help but scream a little.

A light flickers on and I look around.

Frypan, Minho, Chuck, Jeff, Newt, Myself, Winston and Thomas.

I scramble out of Minho's grip and run over to Thomas.

I almost tackle him as I hug him and kiss him.

Thomas holds me close and posses back quickly but pulls away quickly.

"I told you i would be okay." He said.

"You never said that Tom." I say and he laughs softly.

Someone clears their throat and we separate but Thomas keeps a hand around my waist.

"Okay so let's figure out how to get out of here." Newt said.

"Um, how about the exit door." Minho says and points to the sign above the door.

Everyone looks at the door and I raise an eyebrow.

"You're kidding me right?" Frypan says and we all inch towards the door.

Newt is the first one there and he opens the door quietly and slowly.

I bite my lip as I see people slumped against the wall, blood dripping down the wall behind them.

Thomas's grip on my waist tighten was we walk in quietly.

We reach a round room and there are even more people dead but the screens are what capture our attention.

"They were watching us." Newt says softly as he looks at one of the cameras of the glade.

Newt casts his eyes at the wall before continuing with the look around.

Thomas and I stay at the back of the room and look around, shocked at what they did.

"Wicked is good." We all hear and turn around.

Gally stands there, a knife at his side and dark veins traveling up his neck.

"He's been stung." Thomas whispers to me and my eyes watch the knife.

"Wicked is good Amelia." Gally says as he throws the knife straight at me.

So I'm not dead.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever and this isn't my best work but I felt like I owed you something. I promise I'll update very soon Because cliffhangers suck.

I'm sorry and I promise I'll update otherwise you can feed me to the grievers.

In other news, marching band season is now over. Yes, I was in the marching band for my school and now I'm have much more free time and more time to get inspiration and write.

Also, can we just talk about the ended to Scorch Trials?????? Like WTF?!?!?!?!


Thank you for sticking with me!

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Bye runners!

Run || Thomasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें