Chapter Seventeen

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My eyes widen as he connects our lips. I don't know what to do or what to think. All I can think about is what we said to each other not even twelve hours earlier.

He pulled his lips away from mine and looked at me, studying my face. "I am so sorry I've been acting like a jerk. I don't know what came over me last night and this morning. I've just been caring about me and not the people around me too. I'm an idiot." He says softly and I get even more confused in what to say.

We fight, I get beaten on and then he comes to help me, carries me to my hammock and then kisses me out of the blue. I wasn't bad. I kind if wouldn't mind if he kissed me again, but that would confuse me even more. I mea but seriously, he just kissed me. If I was any other girl I would've blushed or giggled or whatever but I didn't. Why didn't k do anything when he kisses me?

"Amelia?" Thomas asks snapping me out of my thoughts. "What? Oh right." I say and lean back a little more. "What were you thinking about?" He asks softly and I look at him.

"You." I say softly and he smiles a bit.

"Good or bad?" He asks and I shrug. "At this point, I don't know." I say and he nods.

"Part of it is good." I say and at that he smiles a bit.

"What part of it is good?" He asks and I smile a bit. "Um...the kiss..." I say and feel my checks heat up a little.

He chuckles softly and makes me look at him again. He smiles at me and I now notice that his eyes light up when he smiles. He winks at me and then kisses me once more.

I blush more and manage to kiss back a little. He pulls away to soon and laughs softly. I feel my checks heat up even more and I hit his arm softly. "Shut up." I say smiling for the first time in awhile.

"Well, that was fun." He says laughing and I blush a bit more. "What? Kissing me?" I ask and he nods. "And seeing you blush!" He says poking my cheek. I laugh and slap his hand away.

"So why did Gally attack you?" He asks and I smile proudly.

"I called him Captain Gally." I say and his eyes widen and he holds back a laugh. "Okay, that's a good one." He says and bursts out laughing. People around us look at him weirdly and I laugh at his own stupidity. "What? It was the first thing that came to my head." I say smiling.

"They used to call him that, before I came here though because they loved seeing him boil up and storm out. It was hilarious from what I heard about it." He explains and I smile.

Why have I heard that before? I've heard that before, before I came into the maze, I don't know where I heard it but I know that I've heard it.

I smile along with him and laugh as he explains it a but more. "Hey Amelia!" Newt yells as he runs over to us.

He stops in front of me and looks at Thomas and I. "Are you two? Are you guys a...never mind. We have bigger things than that. Do you know where Gally went after he hurt your foot?" Newt asks and I shrug.

"I was just seeing stars at that point. I couldn't even see Thomas, I mean I could see a hazy outline of him but not clearly. So no, I have no idea where Gally went." I tell him and Newt runs a hand through his hair.

"Amelia, people saw him run into the maze."

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