Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Finally got a face claim Amelia and yes it is Emma Watson. It's just what I imagined her to look like.

I wait for Thomas scrambles to get off of me and I stand up right after him.

I look around and realize I'm in the maze again, and trapped with Minho, Thomas, and an unconscious Alby.

"What happened?" Thomas asks breaking the short silence.

"He got stung, just like Ben. It was a foolish idea. He should never have come out here. Minho responds and looks at Alby on the ground. "He's still alive, but if he doesn't get back to the glade safely tomorrow morning, he's not going to be." He says and I run a hand through my hair.

"Where do we go? How do we survive?" I ask and both of them look at me.

"We can't, no one has survived a night in the maze." Minho says and I groan. ""Fine There has to be something!" I yell and we hear the groan of a wall deep in the maze.

"Come on we need to get moving." Minho says standing up. "And we're taking Alby with us." Thomas says. "Where are we going to go with him? There's nowhere to go!" (I had to) Minho yells as we hear a screech of metal. "Come on, pick him up and let's run." Thomas says and I help him get Alby to his feet.

We help him to a wall of ivy where we set him down for a little rest. The sky is still darkening and the walls are changing and changing. We had to take an extra couple turns because they were, and we almost got trapped in one section.

"Where are we going to out him? The Grievers are going to find us sooner or later and then we're going to have to drop Alby." Minho says and looks down the passages of the maze. "We need to get him somewhere safe Minho, we need him in the glade." Thomas says and I nod agreeing with him.

"We are not leaving him Minho!" I say and he groans. "He's dead weight! He could already be dead!" Minho says, his voice raising ever so slightly. "But there's a possibility that's he's not dead Minho! We need him to survive the night!" Thomas says as we hear another metal screech.

"Fine, help me get him up." Minho says and I nod standing Alby up. "Let's get him up in those vines, away from Grievers." He says and points up to the vines on the side of the wall. "Hurry." Is all that Minho says as we rush over to the wall.

We tie a think piece vine around him and we work to get him up. He's a lot heavier than he looks and we struggle to keep him up as Minho goes to look around a corner and he goes into a little panic attack. "We need to get hot of here." He says and runs past Thomas and I.

"Minho!" Thomas calls as I hear the metal scraping coming closer. One is coming, and it's coming right at us. "We need to move fast." I say as he stiffens and hears the noise. He nods silently and pulls Alby up higher.

We get him at a good height pretty fast and tie the vine to a strong piece of vine at the bottom as we hear the clicking and the scraping grow nearer and nearer. Thomas turns towards me and starts running in the direction Minho went.

"Really?" I yell at him in my mind as I hear a click right behind me. I turn around slowly and I see a griever, waiting, daring me to run. I choke on my own scream and turn around. It clicks one more time before I know it has a needle, or a stinger, or whatever they call it ready. I take a deep breath and sprint as fast as I can into the passage in front of me before I take a sharp right.

The griever chases after me, I hear the metal on the concrete and it's getting closer. I see a wall of ivy and slide under it, hitting the wall, wincing as I hit my sore arm. I hold my breath as I see it pass me. I'm okay for now.

"Amelia? Where are you? Are you okay?" I hear Thomas.

"You left me a griever, good move Thomas." I say and he leaves my head.

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