Chapter Six

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Gally glares at me before pushing past me and balking towards the Homestead. I turn back to the woods as Thomas comes out. "You heard that didn't you?" He asked and I nod a little. "Only in my head though. I didn't hear all of it but I heard you say I know you were talking about me." I say and he looks down at his feet. "Why were you talking about me?" I ask and he looks up but looks past me. I don't bother looking behind me because I know he would walk away if I did. "Thomas, tell me." I say and now he actually looks at me. "Nothing you need to know." He says. "No Thomas, I'm done being left in the dark. Tell me!" I say loud enough for a couple of people to turn their heads and look at us. Since neither one is yelling, or fighting with the other they just go back to their jobs. "That's just the way it is greenie." He says walking away.

Really? We're back to greenie, that's just great. Back to where my opinion doesn't matter and people ignore me. I roll my eyes and walk to my spot on the wall and sit down again. I guess this is my spot.

I lean my head against the wall and just look around. I see Newt with some people farming or whatever they do, Alby is supervising, Thomas in the Homestead sitting in his hammock with his head in his hands, Gally is doing whatever his job is, and Minho is nowhere to be soon in the middle of the day. He's in the maze of course. The maze I should be in.

I woke up in that thing, I should be able to see what's out there, at least help them a little bit. Lead the to my spot I appeared in and help them find out why I was the only one to wake up in the maze.

By the time the doors are about to close everyone is by the doors, even me. Minho and his runners aren't back. I look at the tenseness on everyone's faces as we all hope he comes back. "Guys, something's moving out there." I say and they look at the intersection just outside the doors.

A second later Minho appears with his runners close behind. They sprint back as the doors just begin to close. Minho looks straight at me as he starts catching his breath and people start pelting him with questions.

"You're coming with us tomorrow." He says breathlessly and everyone goes silent.

"Who?" I hear Thomas's voice say. "Her, Amelia, she's coming with us." He says and turns to me. "That's if, she doesn't mind." He says smirking a little bit, already knowing my awnser.

"I'm going." I say and everyone looks at me.

"Are you crazy?" "Do you have a death wish?" "You're a shuck if you think you can survive!" Everyone says these things all at once at me and I push them away.

"Shut it you shuck faces! You guys didn't get dropped in the maze! You don't know where I was, and neither do they so they need to know, and I would like to help them!" I yell at them and they turn silent again. I turn to Minho and nod. "I'll be ready in the morning before you go." I say and walk away.

"Hey, wait up Amelia." I hear Thomas's voice say and he catches up to me. "You know you have to get some stuff from Minho right?" He asks breathlessly. "Yeah, I do now. And don't be such a shuck that was not that far of a run." I say and run away from him. I don't hear any footsteps following me in the damp grass.

I run up to my spot again and Newt is already there. "What do you want Newt?" I ask impatiently. All I want is some peace and quiet to think, and now he's here.

"You need your suplplies. Frypan will provide you with a meal in the morning, but you'll need a backpack, knife, water, and better shoes." He says and I nod. "So where do I get these things?" I ask and he starts walking in another direction. I groan loudly and follow him. "Suck it up and deal with it. You're going to be in the maze all day with Minho, you need to get used to this." He says in front of me and I roll my eyes.

He leads me to one of the buildings and walks in. I look around as everyone looks at me. I shake it off and walk in. I lean against the wall next to the door and watch him as he rummages through a trunk of, I don't even know what's in it. He stands up and throws me a backpack and I catch it with my right hand. "Let this hit the wall." He says and I nod before he throws something else on me and it lands on the wall. I look next to me and a knife is right next to my head. "What if you threw it a little more to the left? It would've hit me!" I say and he rolls his eyes. "Grow up." He says and puts shoes out and a water bottle next to it. "Pack tonight." He says before walking out.

Great, everyone hates me, I guess I'm to much like Minho, but they like Minho, I don't get this place. I take the knife out of the wall and put it in the bag. I pack the water and a couple of other things Newt got out for me. I pull on the shoes on and look out the small window into the glade.

I watch as Gally and Alby exchange words in an argument. Thomas is talking with Newt as Newt goes back to his job. Minho is walking towards the building with a couple of other guys.

I grab my backpack and reach to open the door as Minho walks in. "You will check that little adittude you have at the doors, you don't bring it into the maze and you don't give it to Newt or Alby got it?" He says walking towards a table. "Yeah, got it." I say and be nods. He turns towards me and nods. "Newt give you everything?" He asks and I nod. "Good." He says and turn to his runners. "This greenie may be the key so don't let her fall behind. She knows where she woke up so she'll be in the middle giving us directions. I'll be in the back, Ben you be in front." He says and Ben, I guess, nods. "Okay Amelia, get some rest and get some food." He says and I nod.

I walk out and immediately go to my hammock. This is more stress then I ever thought it would be. I sit down. And drop my bag next to it. I see Thomas walk over to the homestead but he soon sees me and walks in a different direction. I sigh and lay down. Great, he absolutely hates me.

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