Chapter 42

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(I'm sorry in advance for this!)

Thomas's voice is the first I hear, yelling at me to move but I just close my eyes.

I prepare for the feeling of the knife but it never comes.

Thomas's hand pulls out of mine and I open my eyes.

I look down at the ground and my hands go to my mouth. "Chuck." I whisper and fall to my knees.

"No no no. Chuck!" Thomas yells and I shake him.

"Chuck!" I yell and start crying.

I look up at Gally and I see him on the ground. I look back at the rest of them and Minho looks at me.

"It had to to be done." He says softly and I look back at Chuck.

Thomas is shaking Chuck, yelling his name and I close my eyes.

"Thomas!" I yell and he looks at me with tears streaming down his face.

"Please stop. He's not coming back." I say and my voice cracks.

"How could you say that?" Thomas asks me softly.

"I was okay to die! I was okay for him to throw that knife into my stomach! I didn't want him to die!" I yell and look at Gally and then Chuck.

Thomas looks at me and the sadness in his face evident.

"Amelia." He said softly, his voice full of pain.

I feel my eyes fill up with tears and I break down.

After all of the emotion I've kept in for the past few days, all flow out.

Thomas wraps his arms around me and I continue to sob into his arms.

"Amelia, please stop crying." Thomas says and I can't help but continue to sob.

I glance at Chuck, laying still right beside us.

As I bury my face in Thomas' shoulder, a big door opens and a blinding light shines on us.

"Are we dying?" Minho mumbled, probably to himself.

Nobody moves as figures come towards us.

Thomas tightens his grip on me as the yelling starts.

"Come on let's move!" A voice says and starts pulling people towards the light.

"Come on boy, we need to get up!" Someone yells and pulls Thomas up.

Both of us start yelling as someone grabs me and actually picks me up by the waist.

I begin to kick around and scream.

"Let me go!  What the hell are you doing?!" I yell and reach for Thomas. He stumbles and falls on his knees as I'm carried away.

I start crying again and watch as Thomas is picked up and he gets dragged down the hallway.

The light blinds me as I get carried into the daylight.

"Thomas! Minho! Newt!" I yell, in hopes of hearing one of their voices.

"Amelia! It's okay!" Minho yells and I look up and squint to actually see anything.

"Minho?" I yell as the person carrying me, puts me down and begins to drag me along with him.

The person sits me in a helicopter, I scan the area for Thomas and I see him coming closer to us.

"Thomas!" I yell as tears once again spring into my eyes.

"Amelia!" Thomas yells and begins to run towards me. He stumbles a bit on the sand that has built itself into a small hill.

He reaches me and basically tackles me in a hug. As he gets his legs into the helicopter, he kisses me.

Minho and Newt split us up and we lean against the wall of the chopper.

"Where are we even going?" I ask softly and Thomas shrugs but puts an arm around my waist.

"I can't believe this is even happening." He mumbled.

"I can't believe I couldn't get everyone out alive." I mumble and he doesn't respond.

We sit there in silence everyone who's here, is silent. Staring out the window, or just looking at the floor in front of us.

"You should sleep." Thomas whispers to me as he sees many of the others sleeping.

"So should you." I whisper and look at him.

"There's no way I'm sleeping until you're asleep." He says and I sigh.

"You really think I can fall asleep? Gally almost killed me." I say and I sink into his arm.

"Please try." He said softly and I nod a little.

"Only if you try." I say and he nods a bit.

I close my eyes and move closer to him. He tightens his grip on my waist

Sleep comes surprisingly natural and I'm soon thrust into a dream.

"Mommy, where are we going?" A little girl asked and looked up at her mom.
"Somewhere safe honey." The mom said, and squeezed her daughters hand.
"You're going to have to stay strong for me baby girl okay?" The mom asked and the little girl looked up at her with a confused look on her face.
"I'm always strong mommy." The little girl said and the mom smiled a little bit.
"I love you Amelia okay? Always remember that. Always remember it." The mom said as she kneeled down to her level.
"Okay mommy. I love you too." The girl said and wrapped her small arms around her mothers neck to give her a hug.
The mom hugged her little girl and teared up as she saw a couple of men walking over to get Amelia.
"I love you honey. I'll miss you so much." The mom said as the men bend down and pick the small girl up.
"Mommy!" The girl screams over and over again, her arms reaching out for her but the help never comes.
"It's okay, you'll be okay Amelia." One of the men say as the girl continues to cry out for her mother.
"I'm sorry Amelia." The mother whispers to herself as she watches her baby girl get carried away from her.

So, this is where I should start talking about a possible sequel.

Now I know that you guys would probably love a sequel, the thing is with the lack of inspiration with this story, I don't know how I would do on another one.

First I would have to start by re-reading Scorch trials and then figuring out how to do it myself. I don't know, I'll think about it.

I'd love to hear your feedback on how I should end this. Thank you to all of the loyal readers who have stuck with me!

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Bye runners. Good luck, and don't die.

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