Chapter Five

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I feel the warm air of the sun as I start to wake up. "Wow, you shank completely ignored me." I hear a familiar voice. The memories from yesterday wash over me and I stand up almost immediately. "Gally, let me out." I say walking towards the door to the slammer we're in. "Well, I was sent here to get Thomas, not you." He says as I hear Thomas start to move around in the corner I was just in. "Morning shuck face. Alby sent me for you, and no your little girlfriend can't come with." Gally said looking in Thomas's direction.

Thomas gets up and walks over to my side. I don't even have to look at his emotions on his face to know that he doesn't want to leave me. I lean against the side of the slammer and keep looking up at Gally. "Okay shuck face, get out." Gally says to Thomas and unlocks the lock. Thomas opens the gate and gets out. He glances back at me before walking away.

I lean against the rocks and continue to think about Gally, and his threat. I can still feel Thomas inside my head but I don't care. If he finds out, to bad. He probably would've found out anyway.

I sit down and look at the spot Thomas and I were sitting in the night before. He out his arm around me, and somehow that helped me fall asleep. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to make me feel safe in a horrid place like this. I need to get out, and I need to get back into that maze.

About half an hour later I hear footsteps walking over to my cell. I see Newt's face pop up and unlock the door. "Finally." I mutter as I climb out. The sun hurts my eyes so I cover my eyes for a couple of second before I remove my hand and I'm okay again. I turn to look at Newt and he's already looking at me. "Did you and Tommy figure anything out?" He asked me and I thought back. "A little." I say and he nods. "You're to much like bloody we have to deal with two of you..." He mumbles walking away from me. I shrug, taking it as a compliment and following him to the homestead.

Luckily Thomas wasn't near the homestead, that I could see. I sit down against one of the poles holding up the tilting structure. Looking around, people seem to being doing what they usually do I guess. I see Newt working on some gardening I guess, Alby is making sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to do I guess, I mean he is the 'leader' isn't he? I guess he is but Newt seems like more of a capable leader then him. "That's what I thought when I first met them." I hear a voice say behind me and I jump up and turn around. My heart slows down a little when I see it's just Thomas.

"So you can just know my thoughts without me knowing and I can't have any control over it?" I ask a little to harshly and he nods. "I guess so." He says shrugging. "Well stop it! I need to have my thoughts to myself sometimes! You need to get out of my head!" I yell and he looks a little taken back. "Woah, what's going on here?" I hear Alby say running up to us. I turn over to him and see that a crowd has gathered around us. "Nothing! Now will you go back to your own business?" I ask to all of them. Thomas reaches for my arm but I yank it out of his grip. "Don't you even touch me." I say pushing through the crowd of boys and away from them.

I haven't been paying attention to where I was running but I end up at the doors to the maze. I look behind me and the guys are already running towards me. I finally see Minho, he's in the front and Thomas is close behind him. I take my chance and run into the maze.

I hear frantic yelling and I know only Minho can follow me in here. I take a couple of random turns and then stop catching my breath.

I hear two pairs of hurried footsteps and I panic. I look to my sides and run down another path only to see a creature at the end of it. My eyes go wide and I back away as I turn and run back to my earlier spot. I hear the clang of metal coming towards me and I frantically look around for Thomas or Minho. I can't hear anything but the metal and my heart pounding in my ears. Someone runs into me and makes me fall over. "Amelia!" Thomas says above me. "I- there's a thing over there." I say unsteadily and pointing in the direction of the creature I saw. He turned to Minho who looked a little panicked. "We need to go, now." He says and starts running in a different direction. I get up with the help from Thomas and run towards Minho.

The metal creature follows us, and speeds up. I don't look back, because I really don't want to see that thing again. We catch up to Minho and my legs are burning, my throat is scratchy and gasping for air, and my heart pounding.

The metal clanging fades as we see the door and run out. I stop running and gasp for air to fill my lungs. Someone walks up to me and shoves me down. "Do you seriously think you're above us greenie? That you can go into the maze your second day here?!" He yells, Gally. I get up, suddenly not tired anymore and look at him. "And what did you do in your first two years here?!" I yell at him. "Not break the rules!" He yells back. "You need to get over yourself Gally! My first day here you threaten me! I didn't do anything, I didn't talk to you before and you say I should stay away from the one person who has always been nice to me! And when I say I'm not going to do it, you say then die! What kind of person does that?!" I yell, all the boys are around us and I don't care if everyone just heard me. "He threatened you?" I hear Newt ask. "Wow, you're dead in the next week." He says and walks off.

They all look at me and I shrug. "You should be looking at him, not me." I say pushing through everyone and walking to the same spot I sat yesterday before I went to the slammer.

"Since I failed to tell you the rules you get a pass on this but you can not go into those walls." Alby says from above me. I look up at him and squint as the sun blinds me for a second. "Well then what are the rules?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "Don't hurt another glader." He says and I nod. "Haven't done that one." I say and he nods. "I know!" He says starting to raise his voice. "Next is do your part. If you don't do your part we'll have some problems, if you do your part then we won't." He said and I nod again. I don't have a job yet so that's it a problem. "And last, never go past those walls." He says and I look up at him as he stresses the word never. I know I broke that rule already, but I woke up in there. I need to get back in there to know where I landed and know why I woke up in the maze!

suddenly stop thinking about that when I feel something weird in my mind. I know it's Thomas, and I can't help but think, oh great know my inner thoughts! Alby has continued talking but I wasn't paying attention anymore, Thomas is nervous, really nervous, and he's super pissed off about something.

I stand up and look around. "You don't...her! I don't care...shuck face! Yes I do...!" I hear in Thomas's head. "I appreciate you giving me the rules but you really should look for Gally." I say and start running towards the homestead.

I run up and look around. Thomas, or Gally isn't here. I see someone messing with his stuff and I walk over to him. "Hey, have you seen Thomas or Gally?" I ask and he looks up at me. "Me?" He asks pointing at himself. "Yes you! Who else, the pole?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Um, last time I saw Gally was when you guys were yelling, and Thomas, when you went off he came here. That's all I saw." He said and I nod. That didn't help one bit. "Get over...grow up!" I hear Thomas say again. I look around frantically, I need to find him!

My eyes rake the edge of the woods and I see something move. A couple of seconds later hear a yell. I run over to the edge of the woods and just I get there someone steps out, and I'm again face-to-face with Gally.

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