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"Oooo I do I do I do I dooooo Hey Oooo I do I do I do I doooo Boy you've got me helpless, look into your eyes and the Sky's the limit, I'm helpless! Down for the count and I'm drowning in em."

Clary had turned off the shower and continued to sing the song that was being played through her phone speakers. Once she dried herself up and got dressed she turned her Spotify playlist off and went to leave the bathroom she opened the door to see Magnus and Simon stood there staring at her with blank expressions.

Clary raised her eye brows "What?"she asked glancing at her surroundings. "Y-you like Hamilton?"Magnus stuttered out.
Clary's eyes widened realising that her friends had just heard her sing.
"Wait, you Like Hamilton!?"Simon asked Magnus. "Darling I Love Hamilton!"Magnus replied "I Have been trying to get tickets but even with magic it is impossible as they always seem to be sold out at such a ridiculous price!"
Simons blank expression turned into a wide smile "That. Is. So Cool! Oh my god!"
"So We all like Hamilton?"Clary asked not helping her smile from growing wide.
"This is amazing!"Simon said "Fray I never knew you liked Hamilton."
Clary chuckled a little blushing a little "Its a...secret obsession, I watched it on Disney + 25 times since it came out."

Magnus excitedly took Clary's hand "There's no need to keep it a secret anymore biscuit! I'll tell you what we must do, Go back to my apartment and we'll have a Hamilton Watch party, we can order Pizza and Ice Cream and we can sing and dance as if nobody is watching and we can do it all before the others return from Patrol."Magnus said the last sentence in a whisper as if it was a top secret, Jace,Alec and Isabelle went on Patrol today and it always would take hours and hours before they return.

"Let's do it,"Clary said causing herself and Magnus to start squealing.
Magnus removed his hand and immediately began to create a portal "What are we waiting for? Hop on in!"
Simon started to cheer before vamp speeding through the portal. Clary chuckled a little before stepping through followed by Magnus.

"Remind me not to Vamp speed into a portal again," Simon said as he slightly lost his balance as he took a seat in Magnus's apartment, he also looked as if he was going to throw up.

"You said that last time,"Magnus said before waving his hand making Freshly baked Takeout Pizza from Takis and huge tubs of Ice cream to appear onto the table in front of them in front of his ever so large TV.

Simon got himself comfy "This is going to be the best thing I just know it!"he let's out a slight squeal which made Clary let out a laugh as she sat down next to him "Its Lin Manuel Miranda Si,"she said "It is always going to be the best thing if he is involved."

As the film was being played the trio decided to make it more fun by singing and dancing along to the songs that were being shown on the screen.

"Quick!"Magnus said getting off the sofa as the song The Story of Tonight started to play "Pick a Schuyler sister, Bagsy Angelica!"
"Eliza!"Clary yelled far too quickly for Simon to yell out his pick. "You're Peggy then Simon,"Magnus said.
Simon's eyes widened "What!?"he asked "Come on! I don't want to be Peggy!"he was clearly not happy with the character he had ended up with.
"What's wrong with Peggy?"Clary asked "It's Jasmine Cephas Jones! if I was gay she would defentily be my fantasy wife."
"Oooo Clary getting hot with the ladies,"Magnus said teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at her.
"If you love her so much you be Peggy Then!"Simon protested "She's the one everyone takes the piss of-"
"Which is why you'll be perfect as Peggy,"Magnus added cutting him off, he placed a hand onto his shoulder "You can be Burr as well."

Simon was about to protest again but gave up and rolled his eyes as he let's out a sigh "Fine!" Magnus and Clary give Simon a quick hug squealing once again "Thank you Simon!"they said in sync.
"You're the best,"Clary tells her bestfriend. "Tell Jace that,"Simon mumbled as they all got into positions as The Schuyler Sisters song starterd to play.

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