Simon's Christmas Album

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This is an AU where everyone are mundanes and live in New York,Simon is a musician and Izzy is the daughter of a Music Producer

This is not my best work at all but I haven't written in awhile so I do hope this is okay

"Simon I have an amazing idea,"Izzy said as she greeted her best friend with a warm embrace. "Oh yeah?"Simon asked raising an eyebrow with curiosity as the two friends part. "Okay so I know that you had it rough with the break up with Maia so I thought why not record your very own Holiday album!" That was when Simon looked at Izzy as if she was insane "I'm sorry What?"he asked. Izzy rolled her eyes teasingly "You know your very own Christmas record the world needs to hear the Simon Lewis."
"I know about a Christmas Album Iz but where am I going to get the money to hire a studio?"
"You do know im the daughter of a music producer right?"Izzy asked crossing her arms "Just use My Dad's studio."
"You're kidding right,your Dad hates me!"Simon said really feisty. "Simon!"Izzy snapped clicking her two fingers slightly "Trust me okay?"she asked ever so gently "My Dad doesn't hate you for one,and two He's letting you have it for as long as you need it for." Little did Simon know was that the only reason Robert Lightwood was stern with him was because he always wanted Izzy and Simon to get together and be together as a couple but unfortunately Simon was with Maia while Izzy is with Rafeal.

Simon eventually agreed to Izzy's offer,ever since him and Maia broke up Simon had caught the Christmas cold,He really did not want to celebrate the holidays in any shape or form. For the rest of the afternoon himself and Izzy had discussed and made a list of songs for Simon to record and realese into the world the list was full of Simon's favourite Christmas songs of all time and he even planned on writing his own song and record a song with his other Best Friend Clary Fairchild who was a art student at the Brooklyn accademy of the Arts and girlfriend of Izzy's adoptive brother Jace Herondale.

"Nice choice Lewis,"Izzy said reading over the list as the two was sat on Izzy's red velvet couch in her living room in her apartment as they were sipping a cup of hot chocolate each with fresh whipped cream and creamy Pink and White Marshmellows on top. "You think so?"Simon asked looking at the list over Izzy's right shoulder. Nodding with confidence Izzy hummed with approval "Yes I love the idea of you singing a Christmas version of Don't go breaking my heart with Clary and my favourite Christmas song of all time Last Christmas by Wham."
"Ah yes,"Simon said with a slik smirk across his face he placed that song on the list on purpose as he knew that it was Izzy's favourite.
"So what would you like for Christmas?"Simon asked.Izzy shrugged "Oh I don't know im greatful for everything I have,,"she said giggling and booping Simon's nose causing him to show his famous dork smile Isabelle loved so much,"What about you?"she asked taking another sip of her chocolatey goodness melting onto her tounge. "Same here,"Simon said "I mean you got me my first record deal that is truly Awesome and amazing,"he looked at his ever so beautiful friend "You're amazing,"he whispered he could feel hinself getting closer to Izzy feeling her breathing making a ghostly sound as they were only inches apart. "Izzy..."Simon said ever so quitely.
"Simon..."Izzy answered in the same tone of voice. The moment was only ruined when the doorbell rang causing Izzy to take a deep breath feeling herself get a little disappointed yet she didn't even know why,it was a really strange feeling. "Oh that must be Rapheal I forgot he was coming,"Izzy said getting up from the sofa to answer the door.

**** (A week later)
"Are you ready Simon?"Izzy asked from outside the recording booth next to the microphone to communicate with Simon while he was recording the first sing for his album. Sitting on a stool Simon puts on a pair of headphones and takes out his acoustic guitar from his guitar case,he looked at Isabelle from the other side of the glass and puts his thumbs up "Ready,"he said. "Alright take one,"Izzy said pressing a button causing the sign on Simons half of the glass saying on air light up a bright red.

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