Clace: Ice skating on lake Lynn

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Books or TV show
This one shot is set in a mundane AU

With her boots crunching along the blanket of snow beneath her feet Clary smiled pressing her cold, fragile,pink bitter cheek against the warmth and softness of her grey scarf wrapped around her neck as the students of Idris highschool are dismissed from their classes early due to the bittery,wintery weather.

A gasp of steam escaped her lips as she felt a sharp coldness hit her against the head and through her red curls. Hearing a familiar voice of laughter Clary turned around placing her hands on her hips with her red mittened hands to see no one other than her boyfriend the Jace Herondale:His scruffed up blonde hair covered with a blanket of frost,wearing a think black coat and having traces of snow on his pair of matching black gloves laughing his head off. "Johnathan Christopher Herondale!"Clary scolded teasingly after realising that he had thrown a snowball at her.

With a smug look on his face Jace walked through the thickness of the snow over to his girlfriend wrapping his arms around Clary's waist from behind "Awe come on Babe it was only a joke,"Jace said as if it was obvious. Deciding to make Jace feel guilty of his actions playing the scolding game even more Clary unwraps his arms from her yellow black buttoned up coat and ignores Jace continuing to walk forward and away from him. Ofcourse Jace was not having that at all and he ran after Clary from behind "Come on Clare!"he yelled rolling his eyes with annoyance however Clary kept on walking further and further away from him.
Sighing Jace pouted his lips together slightly before yelling over at her again "CLARY!"he yelled waving his hands slightly in a frusted mannor "Come on I'll do whatever you want please Baby im sorry!"he pleaded.
Clary's reaction made Jace immediately regret what he had said as he watched Clary freeze on the spot and ever so slowly turn to face him with what seemed to be a murderous smile "Well,"she said "I do have one thing in mind."


"Really Clary!?"Jace yelled as the skates on his feet started to slip all over the place on the thickest sheet of ice covering Lake Lynn. Yes you've read that right Clary is indeed making Jace go Ice skating with her on lake lynn which is one of the most awesome places to skate in the winter on snow days when the lake is absolutely completely covered with ice,it was so thick it could break your hand if you tried to break the ice it is indestructible .

Laughing as she glides across the lake making her way over to Jace carefully and securely locking her two hands into his so that he wouldnt slip over and hurt himself. "Its not funny,"Jace grumbled as he fell forward slightly and immediately grabbed ahold of Clarys hands as tightly as he could before looking up at her with a scoff and a really annoyed look due to the fact that his girlfriend was laughing at him. Trying to pull a straight face Clary noded with a serious look and stood them both up as straight as they could be. "Its all about keeping control,"Clary tells Jace as gently as she could so he wouldn't get upset because thats the least she wanted.
"Why Ice skating out of all of this?"Jace whined as the couple slowly started to glide together smoothly across the ice against the blades on their skates. "Because Jace,"Clary said "I always wanted to do this with you as a couple."
Biting his lip Jace looked at Clary with awe he could never stay mad at Clary for long ever. A small smile appears on his lips "You're doing so good!"Clary tells Jace clearly pleased and happy for him.
"Ofcourse I did,"Jace said really cockily "I am the king of Ice skating Clary I always have been." Knowing that this was a lie Clary gave Jace a look trying not to laugh "oh really?"she asked "Is that why you were whining like a baby a few moments ago?"she asked raising her right eyebrow. Jace gasped mockingly "Obviously,"he said "I was trying not to show off as you were so confident at this."
"Oh yeah?"Clary asked chuckling a little. "Yeah,"Jace said in a really sassy tone.

"Okay then King Jace,"Clary said laughing as she lets go of his two hands leaving him completely on his own with no support. Jace's golden eyes immediately widened with panic and Clary could of sworn she saw his face drain out of colour as if he was going to vomit all over the place.
"NO CLARY NO!"Jace shouts as his legs turned into Jelly and his hands were waving everywhere like a damsel in distress in a fairytale story.
Clary couldn't stop laughing she had never seen Jace like this the entire time that they had started dating it was cute and adorable to see. Moving her feet backwards Clary moved further away from where Jace was "CLARY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"He pratically screamed.
"Put your heels into the ice!"Clary yelled using her hands as a mega scope to make her voice more louder so he can hear her.

Doing exactly what Clary instructed Jace to do Jace puts his two heels as hard and harshly as he could into the ice,however it did not scrape the sharp blades into the ice for Jace to stop moving it only caused him to go even faster and towards Clary.
"JACE STOP!"Clary screamed.
"I CANT! HELP!"Jace screamed before crashing into his girlfriend and the two went flying off the lake and into a pile of snow.

Almost immediately both Clary and Jace immediately erupted into a fit of laughter as Clary was lying across and ontop of Jace. Carefully Jace cups Clary's cheeks with his glove as angelic snow slowly started to fall from the sky and all around them. "You're so adorable,"Jace tells Clary with full honesty "Especially with that ridiculous Bobble hat on."Clary frowned as she looked up at the hat nested onto the top of her head "Hey!I love my bobble hats!"she said. Jace ran his gloved Fingers through Clarys mythical red hair "And I love you,"he said. "I love you too,"Clary said before connecting her lips onto Jaces like two missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle finally being connected for the first time.

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