Our Babysitters a hero

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This one shot is based on the books during the time period of the dark Artfices and Simon and Izzy had tol Rebecca about the Shadow world.

"Weren't you supposed to babysit?"Rebbecca asked her younger brother who had dropped off both Max and Rafeal Lightwood Bane at Rebecca's apartment in New York.
"Yes I was but Izzy and I haven't had an alone day since forever,its not fair that Clary and Jace and Alec and Magnus have an alone day today,"Simon explained. Crossing her arms Rebecca did not look impressed at all,"and its not fair on me?"she questioned. "Bexs please!"Simon begged "I'll pay you back,all you need to do is feed them and take them to the park or something."
Rebecca glanced at the children stood behind Simon's leg "No offence Simon but won't people think its weird that I take a Blue baby with horns to the park?"Rebecca asked. Simon shrugged,"Yes but if people ask just say he went to a kids fancy dressed costume party."
Sighing with defeat Rebecca rolled her eyes "Fine,"she said "But you owe me baby brother."
Simon's face lit up with pure happiness "Oh my god thank you Bexs thank you,"he hugged his older sister ever so tightly "I promise I'll pay you back."
"You better,"Rebecca mumbled under her breath.

Once Simon had left,Rebecca took both Max and Rafe to the lounge and sat them down to watch Television while she started to do college work sat down on the sofa glancing at the young warlock and Shadowhunter every now and then as they watch Sofia the first. After 20 minutes Rebecca was snapped out of her concentration of the College assignment due to the sound of Rafeal crying,she looked up from her laptop and sees that the channel had been changed to an action war movie with men fighting armies with guns and explosives,there was also alot of blood .At first Rebbecca was confused as to why the channel had changed as she had the remote control but then remembered Max had magic.

As he giggled Max had a mischievous grin plastered onto his face as both of his hands were glowing a faint yellow colour. "Max,"Rebecca scolded as she got off the couch,Rebecca walked over to the warlock and picked him up into her arms "you're scaring Rafe,"she tells him. Max did not seem to care, he just laughed some more. Rebecca puts Max back down onto the ground and picks up the control "Rafe wanted to watch princess Sofia,"she said as she changed the channel back causing Rafeal to immediately stop crying and look at the screen with awe but this time Max had started to cry. Unlike Rafe Max's sobs were much more loud and vicious as magic started to pour out as he screamed causing the entire apartment to shake like an earth quake. Picking up Rafe Rebecca ran as quickly as she could to the front door to hold onto the handle to keep herself straight and steady squinting her eyes shut as Max's tantrum continued until it came to a stop and the apartment turned still.

Heavily breathing and opening her eyes Rebecca looked around her surroundings and finds everything was still and safe including Rafe who had looked up at Rebecca with a smile on his face,Taking a deep breath of realife Rebecca goes to find Max who was sat on the kitchen table eating from a jar of chocolate chip cookies with crumbs around his face. "Maybe lunch before cookies,"Rebecca said as she sat Rafe down onto a chair and took the jar of cookies away from Max before going to make a plate of Ham and cheese sandwiches whilst playing a playlist of songs by Billie Joel and David Bowie dancing and singing along . The children ate happily munching on the sandwiches cut into different shapes of triangles,squares and circles and for desert they had cookies like Rebecca had promised. "I think we should go to the park after lunch,"Rebecca decided as she watched the two eat with a smile on her face,she had to admit it was rather strange babysitting a Shadowhunter and Warlock but they are just kids and were adorable. "Park!"Max cheered clapping his hands with pure delite "I want to go to park!"

So that's what they did,after lunch Rebecca took both Max and Rafe to the park and with pure luck it was completely empty. The three of them spent an hour on the equipment and even Rebecca had fun as she felt Max swing the swing higher using his magic as she held onto Rafe and Max having her brunette hair blow through the breeze and feeling her ocean blue eyes sparkle ever so bright,laughing and cheering along with the Shadowunter and Warlock. For another hour they fed the ducks with leftover sandwiches from lunch time. Both Rafe and Max fell in love with the ducks almost immediately,chasing the ducks around the park and Max even made ducklings float in the air. "Max put the ducklings down,"Rebecca said. Rafe seemed to love Max's power with making the ducklings float as he was pointing at the ducklings and laughing "Duck,"repeatedly. "Max!"Rebecca warned again "Put the ducklings down,"she started to sense people arrving at the nearby lake and panic started to rise in her entire body.

Max seemed to know that Rebecca was panicking and something could go wrong so he dropped the ducklings with the wave of his hand and raised his arms up as Rebecca picked him up to take him and Rafe back home.

After a long day Max and Rafe were fast asleep next one and another in Rebecca's bed while Rebecca finished off her College work waiting for Simon to pick them up. As there was a knock on the door Rebecca goes to open the door greeted by Simon. "Where are they?"Simon asked who had his arms crossed. "Oh so no hello Rebecca how are you?"Rebecca questioned as she lets her brother inside "They're asleep,"she said "Its been a long day." Rebecca turned to face Simon and noticed how he was looking at her. Knowing her brother Rebecca knew Simon would never glare at her the way he was at this moment,he would also never be rude when talking to her. All of a sudden like a flash toxic venom spat out of his mouth as he transformed into a disgusting creature with ever so sharp claws and teeth charging towards her.

With a scream Rebecca bolted towards the bedroom where Max and Rafe were fast asleep and locked the door shut,before unplugging the bedside lamp using it for defence as the door was being torn apart from piece by piece. "Whats going on?"Rafe asked yawning as he was rubbing his eyes awake,Max had also woken up. Before Rebecca could reply the Demon had broken into the room and was making its way towards Max and Rafe. "NO!"Rebecca screamed throwing the lamp at the creature,as it hissed in pain Rebecca picked up both Max and Rafe and sprinted to get out of the apartment. "Demins!"Max yelled "Demins!" Just as she was about to reach the door the Demon managed to claw into Rebecca's arm causing her to scream alittle and fall onto the floor clutching onto Max and Rafe as tightly as she could. As the demon got even closer Rebecca squinted her eyes shut screaming until she heard the most horrific sound she had ever heard in her entire life.

Hesitantly Rebecca opened her eyes to see the Demon was no longer there and stood there was Alec holding his bow and arrow with a not so happy look on his face. "Daddy!"Max cheered beaming an ever so wide grin. "What the hell are you two doing here!?"Alec demanded "I swear I am going to kill him!" Simon had sprinted into the apartment followed by Clary with a frantic look on his face. "Oh my god Bexs are you alright?"Simon asked. Rebecca noded unable to speak a single word standing up and passing the kids to Alec.Feeling Nauseous and dizzy Rebecca started to lose her balance "I-I don't feel so good,"she mumbled before everything had turned pitch black and all that could be heard was a heart beat.

When light could finally be seen Rebecca found herself in a very different location then her apartment. She turned to the side to see Simon was sat by her bedside holding her hand who was mumbling a prayer in hebrew under his breath. "S-Simon?"she mumbled. Looking up Rebecca could see Simon had tears streaming down his face, "Oh thank the angel,"Simon said before planting a kiss on the top of her head.
"Where am I?"she asked refering to her unfamiliar surrounding.
"You're in the institute,"he explained. "Magnus had healed your arm for you as runes could kill human flesh."
"So this is the institute huh?"Rebecca asked. Simon nodded "Yep,Becca im so sorry I shouldn't of made you babysit,"Placing her hand on top of Simons Rebecca gave it a squeeze of comfort "Don't be sorry,"she said "You have nothing to be sorry for."
Simon however did not shut up "But you could of died and it was all my fault."
"Simon!"Rebecca snapped "for the love of god it is not your fault okay? It is no ones fault." The infirmary doors open and Max and Rafe came running in followed by Alec "They wanted to see you,"Alec explained.

Both Max and Rafe gave Rebecca a hug "You saved us,"Rafe said "From the Demons." Rebecca could not bare to let go for some reason she had just met these kids today and already she had a special bond with each one of them. "You don't have to look after them again,"Alec said "so don't worry,"he gave Simon a slight glare as he said the sentence. Rebecca shook her head "No,i'd love to babysit them again they're amazing kids,despite the Demon attack we had a great time."
"Our Babysitters a hero!"Max and Rafe cheered,and for the first time Rebecca really felt like one learning that even if they fall true heros will do anything to protect the ones they love,even if they were a warlock and a shadowhunter.

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