The Miracle

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I'm taking a break from the Clace pregnancy story/Plot and decided to do one for Sizzy set 2 years after Clary and Jace had their baby.

I know in the books this was not how Simon became human but I think this is a nicer way of him becoming one and a shadowhunter.

"Are you ready?" Izzy asked walking over to Simon who was sat in a chair with a needle. Izzy had been working on making a syrum with the last drop of heavenly fire to make it safe to use on Simon so he could then human. "I was born ready," Simon said,he then looked at the needle in Izzy's hands and his eyes widen "That's a big needle," he stated. Izzy let's out a sigh "Simon,are you sure you want to do this?" she asked. "Izzy,I'm sure." Simon said reassuringly " Remember the plan I'll go to the academy to train to be a Shadowhunter and when I return we can try for a baby. "
"If you're sure," Izzy said.
"Hey I've never been so sure on anything in my life," Simon said. Izzy leaned forward and kissed Simon on the lips "I love you so much Simon Lewis," she said.
"I love you too Isabelle Lightwood now bring on the fire!" Simon said. Izzy held Simon's hand firmly as she injected the heavenly fire into Simon's arm.

It took a few seconds for the Heavenly fire to take effect.
"It feels a little warm," Simon said as he was starting to feel a burn sensation that was irritating. The burning only increased and Simon started to scream out in absolute agony. Izzy had started to panic "I CAN'T MAKE IT STOP!" She yelled over his screaming.

Simon continued to scream until he stopped and was heavily breathing,sweat dripping down his forehead. "Are you okay!?" Izzy asked hugging him tightly. Simon looked shaken up "I-I think so," he stuttered out.
"Your heart is beating so fast," Izzy said.
"It is?" Simon asked with a small smile on his face.
Izzy pulled away in realisation "By the Angel..." she gasped covering her hand over her mouth. "It worked," Simon said "IT WORKED!" Izzy started squealing jumping up and down "IT WORKED!" She squealed, tears were streaming down her face "We're going to have a baby!" Simon got up from his seat and picked Izzy up spinning her around causing then both to laugh "It worked baby!" he was also starting to get emotional and he buried his face into the crook of his neck "It worked."

(2 years later)
Alec knocked on the bathroom feeling extremely worried about his sister as she was taking a pregnancy test. Isabelle always despretly wanted a baby, even though there was adoption and other options Izzy always wanted the full package and she only wanted a baby with Simon who is now a trained Shadowhunter from the Shadowhunter academy now named Simon Lovelace after his friend George who died horrifically after drinking from the mortal cup.

As soon as Simon graduated and the two got married, the couple had been trying for a baby ever since and for the last week Izzy had been feeling terribly sick in the mornings and is always tired even if she had a good nights sleep the previous nights. Izzy also noticed that she had been putting on a little weight as most of her wardrobe had suddenly been tight around the tummy and it was slightly sticking out.

Only Alec knew about Izzy taking the test and she was in there for 10 minutes. "Izzy,"Alec said knocking on the door again, there was still no reply "Izzy are you alright?" the door opened and Izzy stood their with bloodshot eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks. Alec could feel that something was wrong and gave Izzy a pitiful look "Oh Iz I'm sorry,"he said, he generally was if anyone deserved to be a mother it was Izzy.

"Look,"Alec said "when the time is right you will have your baby, these things take time." Izzy just stared at Alec not saying anything, Alec's anxiety only grew with every beat of his heart he had never seen his sister behave like this ever, and it was scary.
"Izzy?"Alec asked again "Are you alright?"

"Where's Simon?"Izzy asked in a whisper, she looked absaloutely emotionless. "He's in the lounge ( I have no idea if they have a lounge in the New York institute but let's pretend that there is one😂) with the others,"Alec responded still looking very concerned he puts his arms out to pull his sister in for a hug but Izzy pushed him away slightly and ran to the lounge.

Simon was in the lounge talking with Clary, Jace and Magnus as Celine who is Jace and Clary's daughter and is now 2 years old was playing with the building blocks on the floor with Rafael and Max Lightwood Bane who are Alec and Mangus's two adopted sons and are now 6 and 7 years old.

Max waved his hand causing the blocks to float in the air and dance around causing Celine to look up with pure amazement and clapping her hands as she squealed with delight "MAGIC! MAGIC!" she beamed smiling ever so widely, her golden eyes looking memorised by it. "Max honey can you put the blocks down?"Magnus asked "You could hurt someone if you're not careful." Max was still learning to control his magic, as he grew older the stronger the magic was and it was hard to control sometimes,with a frown Max dropped the blocks back onto the floor causing all the kids to groan with disapointment.

Izzy ran into the room crying with Alec following her huffing out of breath. Everyone immediately grew concerned especially as Izzy ran into Simon's arms hugging him ever so tightly and wrapping her legs around his waist. "Is everything okay?"Clary asked standing up from where she was sitting on the couch. Alec was clutching his chest taking deep breaths
"Are you alright Alexander?"Magnus asked his husband.
"She...Took...A...Test!" Alec said in between breaths. "What test?"Jace asked picking up Celine from the floor and holding her in his arms as she reached for Jace's stele and immediately started to chew it.

Simon knew what test Alec was talking about and he hugged Izzy even tighter having a feeling why she was crying. "Oh Iz,"he said "Its okay," even though he was disappointed himself by the result "We can keep trying and-"
"I'm pregnant,"Izzy whimpered, head pressed against Simon's shoulder. Simon was immediately put off guard and his eyes widened "You're W-what?"he asked in a stutter. Izzy lifted her head up looking into Simon's eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks "I'm pregnant,"she repeated a smile forming onto her face as she started to sob.
"By the Angel!"Clary gasped.

"Are you serious?"Simon asked his voice starting to break and tears almost immediately streaming down his face "Oh my god Izzy, we're going to have a baby, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!" Simon only hugged Izzy tighter burying his face into the crook of her neck as he started to sob.

Alec looked stunned and he froze on the spot with his jaw dropping and his mouth open wide. "W-what?"he stuttered "Y-youre pregnant?" Jace nudged his parabti by the shoulder smirking teasingly "b-but I was so certain that...OH MY GOD!"
"Thats amazing Izzy,"Jace said "Congratulations!"

Simon and Izzy hadn't moved from their position and everyone watched with awe as the couple were crying together, both Isabelle and Simon wanted kids more than anything together and they never thought that it was possible and now their future is just begging with a little family of their own.

"I don't believe it!"Simon cried looking at his wife who was glowing as she smiled at Simon. "Are you happy?"Izzy asked even though she knew what the answer was. "Happy?"Simon asked he span Izzy around in the air causing her to squeal "I am thrilled!" He crashed his lips onto Izzy's and she kissed him back cupping his cheek as she does so.

They part and Simon cupped Izzy's cheek "We did it baby,"he said he then gently placed his hand onto Isabelle's stomach "We are going to have a baby Izzy, Our own Baby." Simon then leaned forward and kissed Izzy on the lips again.

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