Celine Joceyln Herondale

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9 months into Clary's pregnancy
"I am so bored!"Clary groaned as she sat up in bed one morning.
" What's up? "Jace asked sitting next to her.
" It's been 9 months Jace, 9 months and she's still not out yet, "Clary said gesturing to her heavily pregnant belly, "It's past the due date may I add."
Jace couldn't help but smile a little and he placed his hand onto her baby bump rubbing it soothingly, "Any day now," he said. A small smile grew onto Clary's face "excited?" She asked .
"Very," Jace replied, "You can come out now Celine Joceyln Herondale," he said gently to Clary's stomach. Jace looked back at Clary who gave him a small smile, a very tired smile. "You look exhausted," Jace said cupping his wife's cheek and running his fingers through her hair. "I'm fine," Clary insisted looking incredibly sleepy into Jace's eyes "I just want it to be over now."
" I think you've made Celine a nice home in there, "Jace said looking down at her stomach where he could see slight movement and a little foot print. Jace took Clary's hand and kissed it "any day now my love, any day."

Clary walked into the catering section of the institute which was almost completely empty. She smiled seeing her family sit at a table having breakfast together,Luke and Maryse had stayed the night the previous night. Clary went over to join them and took a seat by Alec as she waits for Jace to finish getting ready. "Morning,"Clary said poring herself a glass of orange juice. Everyone stared at Clary eyes widening. Clary suddenly got self conscious "What?"she asked placing a hand onto her bump. Clary was completely pale with no hint of colour in her cheeks and her eyes were a little bloodshot. "I know what it is,"Clary said "I'm a little bit bigger today isn't it? Don't worry I'm used to it don't worry about hurting my feelings." "You look awful,"Simon said. Izzy nudged her boyfriend harshly "Shut up!"she said through gritted teeth. "What do you mean?"Clary asked. "Are you feeling alright biscuit?"Magnus asked. "You look exhausted," Maryse said trying to be polite. Alec placed his hand against Clary's forehead "You're burning up." Coming to think of it Clary was starting to feel a little sick. "I'm fine,"Clary lied. "Kiddo you're not fine,"Luke tells his daughter gently. Simon pushes his plate of food forward to Clary "Maybe have something to eat?"he suggested. Clary pushed the plate back "I'm not hungry,"she said. Simon frowned and pushed it back "Fray,you need to eat,"he said firmly. Clary gave Simon a look she had never gave him before and threw the food off the table "NO SIMON!"She pratically screamed. Simon was taken back a little and looked hurt.

"Hey what's wrong?"Jace asked walking over to the others seeing food all over the floor,he took a look at Clary and his eyes widened "Woah You-" Clary cuts him off "Look Like shit I know! Simon told me."she snapped "Calm down,"Jace said gently taking a seat next to Izzy "I wasn't going to say-"Clary cuts Jace off again "Shut it Jace,"She stood up "I'm completely Fine!" But that was when the worst pain that Clary had ever felt in her entire life had hit her in the stomach with a punch, Clary winced over and clutched her belly with two shaken hands feeling as if the wind had been knocked out of her completely, "Woah-"

Without even hesitating Jace was up on his feet "You alright?" He started to make his way over to his wife.

Clary looked down and saw water tickling down her legs, that was when Clary knew. She looked back up to everyone with wide eyes "Um...I think it's time," she said, "The baby's coming."

"Are you sure?" Jace asked reaching her side, Clary nodded squinting her eyes shut just as another contraction hit "uh huh Celine Herondale wants to make a grand entrance-" she breathed out still clutching both hands onto each side of her bloated belly. "Just like her Daddy," Jace said with a small smile taking hold of Clary's hand to help her stand up straight. A little chuckle escaped Clarys lips as she started heavily breathing "Yeah...just like AH!" another contraction hit causing Clary to squeeze Jace's hand as tightly as possible, digging her nails into his skin.

Magnus sprung into action, "Okay everyone stay calm! We need to get Clary into the infirmary as soon as possible, unless...she wants to have the baby here..."
" No! "Everyone practically yelled in response "I am NOT having my baby on the FLOOR!" Clary yelled glaring at Magnus as she spoke. "Right um...ofcourse," Magnus said "Jace get her into the infirmary while we get everything ready, it's best for Clary to walk until the contractions come in a regular pattren of every 5 minutes,Simon go with them." Jace nodded and he carefully took Clary to the infirmary.

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