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Jace woke up one morning to the sound of his 11 month old Celine Herondale crying, who was standing in her crib that was next to his and Clary's bed, turning over to his side he finds that the other side of the bed was empty. 'Ah, Ofcourse.' Jace thought to himself Clary was out all day with Simon to buy supplies for Celine's 1st birthday next week, Jace thought this  would be the perfect opportunity for Clary to have a break and finally relax from looking after their daughter for the first years of Celine's life so Jace is finally facing what he was soon going to find out would be the most difficult and challenging mission he had ever done in his entire life of training, fighting demons, being possesed by the Mother of all Demons and Queen of Hell Lilith, being linked to his wife's demonomic psychopath brother Jonathan Morgernstern or Sebastian as some prefer to call him by, Jace was going to look after his baby for an entire day all by himself!

Alec had moved out of the institute now living with his husband Magnus Lightwood Bane the high warlock of Brookyln and their two kids: Rafael and Max so he was busy all the time with being Consul of the Clave being in top of that. Isabelle is on a mission to visit the iron sisters and Simon was out with Clary so Jace was in the New York institute with Celine all by himself.

Yawning and stretching Jace got out of bed running his fingers through his blonde hair and puts on a t-shirt before walking over to his baby's crib and picked her up holding his precious little girl close to him. "Good morning my Angel," he cooed planting a kiss onto the top of her head, his hand gently supporting the back of Celine's head, his fingers brushing against her blonde curls"why are you so moody this morning huh? Miss Mommy?" Celine lets out a mumbling sound nuzzling her face into Jace's warm safe chest with her her bottom lip trembling a little. Celine was at the stage in life where she is trying to speak and start to learn to walk, so far she's crawling and is making blabbering baby sounds but so far no first word and no first steps.

Celine started to calm down as Jace started to bounce her gently "ssssh," he hushed "Its okay baby, it's okay, Daddy's got you," he gave his daughter another kiss. Celine looked up at her Father with tears escaping her golden treasured eyes. Out of looks Celine looked mostly like Jace however she had Clary's smile and adorable freckles Celine had also discovered paint and loves to get messy with it. Jace came up with a theory that if Clary and Jace ever have another baby (he is praying for a boy) that he'll look mostly like Clary  and have Jace's smaller features.

"Lets get you dressed baby," Jace mumbled opening a chest of drawers to find all baby supplies and clothes that Celine needs. Jace ended up picking out a small green summer dress that had daisy's emborded into the skirt and to go with it, Jace's favourite piece of clothing a small leather jacket and tiny white baby sandles.

Getting Celine dressed was a lot more challenging than Jace had thought first she needed changing (which was atrocious may he add) where Celine started to cry once again so Jace had to change her and make her calm down and smile, once she calmed down once again Jace attempted to put on the dress which ended up going inside out so he had to take the dress off and put it onto his daughter again. Jace let's out a frustrated groan which made Celine start to giggle her ever so adorable laugh. "What's so funny young lady?" Jace asked in a teasing manner not helping but laugh. Celine continued to laugh which got more contagious "Are you laughing at me?"he asked starting to tickle her feet "Are you laughing at me?" he asked again. With Celine still laughing he straps the two sandles onto her two feet.

As Jace walked into the empty catering section of the institute with Celine in his arm he noticed a note attached to the fridge. Picking it up Jace noticed that it was Clary's hand writing.

Dear Jace,
I very much appericate you looking after Celine today while I spend the day with Simon. Looking after Celine can be challenging, especially when you are doing it by yourself. Here is Celine's schedule to help you.

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