Isabelle the Warrior

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Based on both Books and TV show and is an AU
This was Isabelle's nightmare. She couldn't take it. This is not happening!
"What do you mean they're going tomorrow?"Izzy demanded one night at the dinner table in the palace in Idris with her three Brothers:Alec, Jace and Max and her parents Maryse and Robert Lightwood. "Isabelle don't yell at the table,"Her mother scolded.
"Isabelle Valentines army had grown to strong hes too dangerous,we need all man to go into Battle,"her father explained.
"But Father!"Izzy protested "They could die out there!"
"Nice that you think we cant handle it,"Jace mumbled taking a bite out of a bread roll "We can defeat valentine at the click of his fingers."
"You think that,"Izzy said glaring at her brother slightly "Let me fight too."
Maryse lets out a gasp,Alec started to choke on his drink "That is out of the question,"Robert said "You know Women cant fight in the Roman Army."
"But Father-"Izzy tried to protest.
"I said no a womans duty is-"
"To stay home,Find a husband look after the young and breed,"Izzy said mimicking Robert "Hell with the rules its a pile of rubbish!"
Robert slammed his fist to the table and stood up from his seat "You young lady will stay here and look after your brother you understand me?"he asked sternly. Izzy doesn't respond and just stormed out of the dinning room past the servents and into her chambers sobbing her heart out.

The following evening Isabelle's Two brothers and Father were leaving for battle with three horses waiting for them. Izzy hugged both Alec and Jace sobbing and shaking dreading and terrified to let go "Please don't go,"she begged,Alec kissed Izzy's temple with tears rolling down his cheeks "We have to go,"He said.
"Come home then,"Izzy begged "Please come home."
"We will,"Jace said,they part the hug and Izzy looked at her two precious older brothers she adored since she was a child and looked up too all her life,She still did "H-how do you know?"she stuttered.
Alec placed his hand onto Izzy's chest where her heart was thumping heavily as she took each breath "As long as your heart is beating so is ours,"He said.
"Besides we have Runes and our Parabati bond its very unlikely for us to die,"Jace pointed out. This caused Izzy to laugh through her tears,she lightly punched him on his arm "You better,"she said.

Watching all three of them leave Izzy could not stop crying and praying that they would stop and turn around but they didn't they kept going until they no longer could be seen in the distance. Her Mother placed her hand on Izzy's right shoulder that Izzy harshly shoved off and started running back inside "IZZY!"Max wailed about to run after his older sister however Maryse stopped him "leave her be,"she told her youngest son,Max noded with tears streaming down his small fragile cheeks.

As the evening turned into Night Izzy was inside the Idris Temple praying to the angel on her knees that her family would be safe. Izzy looked up at a statue of the Angel Raziel standing tall and proud with his wings spread out made of stone infront of her with tears falling from her cheeks making a puddle on the floor. "Please Raziel..."she sobbed "Protect my brothers,Protect my Father." She then started talking out her feelings "I really wish I could, by the Angel I wish I could. If I could I would put on some Armour right this minute and ride out to them and fight by their sides and die if necessary." That was when Izzy had an idea a real insane idea that no woman would of dared to do. Izzy looked back up at the statue "Thank you Raziel,"she said standing up ''Thank you!" Izzy then started sprinting back to the palace without hesitation and looking back.

As soon as she reaches the palace she puts on her Night vision rune and walked into Alec's left chambers. She knelt down onto her knees and opened his chest full of weapons (other then his bow and arrow which Alec took with him into battle )and took out a sword with runes carved into the wooden handle and has the sharpest blade. She raised the sword and started to cut her hair slicing her hair with the blade,Cutting it into a short bob and tying it up into a bun. She then got undressed and wrapped her breasts with a bandage to flatten them and removes all her makeup.
She then finally puts on one of Alec's spare Armours he left and puts on his helmet completing Izzy's look from Female to Male to join the army and fight with her family.

Putting her sword into a poutch connected to her armour Izzy stepped outside into the pouring rain to collect one of her fathers horses from the stables with a wooden bowl of flour. The horse doesn't recognise Izzy as she approached him and was in alert starting to panick. "Woah woah!"Izzy yelled she gently puts her hand onto the Black Horses face "Sssh Amriel its me,Its Izzy,"she hushed. The horse looked into Izzys eyes and started to immediately calm down letting her put flour all over him to disguise himself incase her Father recognised his horse. Isabelle then gets onto the horse's back and Amriel rode out into the rain as thunder struck away from Idris.

In the morning the rain had stopped and Izzy was still riding Amriel without stopping. "Okay Amriel,"she said slowing the horse down "Here is the perfect time to practice you got that?"the horse makes a noise and stops as Izzy gets down ties his reign against a nearby tree. "Okay Amriel my name is going to be erm...Roman yeah Roman and im going to speak like,"Izzy puts on a deep voice that was completely unrecognisable "Like this,"she said nodding changing her posture "My family will be the Branwells aswell."The horse seemed to understand what Izzy was saying and nodded. Opening her poutch Izzy held out a ruby red delicious apple that Amriel happily started to eat and munch "Good boy,"Izzy said giving him a pat before getting onto his back again and she starting to ride to find the Shadowhunter Roman Army and defeat Valentine once and for all.

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