Shadow Toddlers

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Based on a fanfic I read with my own spin:)Books or TV Show

"Aha! I'VE GOT IT!"Clary shrieked standing up from her sitting postion with her art book in her hand and her pencils flying everywhere from her lap.

"Got what exactly?"Alec asked looking up from cuddling with Magnus.
"She's been working on this Rune for ages,"Jace replied.
Alec groaned "What does it do this time?"he asked.
Clary let out a nervous laugh, "I...Don't...exactly ...know,"she replied putting her fingers in her hair "so I was wondering if..."
"NO,"Alec errupted cutting her off "no,no,No we're not trying another rune."

Clary rolled her eyes "I'll try it then,"she rolled her sleeve up and drew the rune with her stele "anyone else?"she asked.
Everyone got up apart from Magnus and Alec, Alec because he refused to  and Magnus because he's a Warlock.

"See nothing is happening,"Isabelle replied.
"Don't worry too much,"Jace added.
All of the sudden the runes glowed upon their wrists in a pulsing rhythm.
"You were saying?"Alec asked.
"FRAY?"Simon asked clearly worried.
"...Shit..." that was the last word Clary had said before an explosion of pink filled the room.
Alec shields Magnus's body and holds him close, "Magnus are you alright?"Alec asked once the brightness had faded.
''I'm fine Alexander but..."the couple walked over to the others and gasp "they're not,".

"They're kids!?"Alec shrieked looking at his friends who were now Kids...again!
"Alexander calm down okay? I know a spell,"Magnus said trying to reassure his boyfriend.
"Okay that's good that's good,"Alec repeated over and over again while running his fingers through his hair with stress.
"But there's a catch,"Magnus breathed out, there was always a catch to everything.
"What is it?"Alec asked raising an eyebrow.
"We have to look after them for 24hrs and tomorrow they'll return back to normal."

Alec rubbed the back of his kneck with frustration, "As long as they'll be back to normal SOON then yes!"
Magnus waved his hands dramatically (as always) and casts the spell.

Alec walks over to a little Izzy and chuckles to himself "I remember when she was like this so little..."
Izzy opened up her eyes practically beaming rays of sunshine as she sees her big brother "Alec Alec,"she repeats over and over again hugging Alec tight "I Wuv you Alec!"she said burying her face into his chest.
"I love you too,"Alec replied "Izzy Wizzy," calling his sister by the pet name he had given her as a baby,
Isabelle laughed with delight.

"Magnus!"Magnus looks down and sees a little girl with red hair and green eyes.
"Hello Biscuit," he said picking her up and spinning her in the air.
Clary squeeles "Faster!Faster!"
Magnus laughs but was clearly out of breath "Maybe later little one,"he replied.

"Where's mummy?"Izzy asked Alec.
''Mummy's told me that we're looking after you today Iz me and Magnus and these other children too you know Jace?"Alec said gently to his now very little sister.
Izzy nodded.
"Who's that?"Jace asked waking up and pointing at Clary,
"That's Clary she's staying here for today with her friend Simon,"Magnus said.
Simon wakes up now too, "Simon!"Clary smiles pointing at Simon.
Magnus puts Clary down and Simon ran over to Clary, "Fray!" Simon cried out with the biggest smile on his face as they hug tight.

Jace walked over to Clary and Simon "I'm Jace,"he said friendly.
"My name's Clary,"Clary blushed becoming bright red.
"Would you like to play with me Clary?"Jace asked.
Simon looked between Jace and Clary and blinked "or you can play with me?"Simon suggested.
Magnus could sense the tension and decides to change the subject "how about we go to the park?"he asked.
"Yaaaay!"the kids squeal with pure excitment.
"Well then Let's go!"Magnus cheered enthusiastically.

Malec and the kids walk into the park,Alec holding Izzys hand as Simon,Clary and Jace were running ahead.
"Don't go to far!"Magnus called out.
"We won't!"Clary calls back.
"You can play too if you want Izzy?"Alec asked.
"Okay,"she beamed "Wait for me!"she calls running after her friends.
Alec and Magnus sit down on the bench and watch the 4 kids play "This isn't too bad,"Alec said.
Magnus laughs "oh Alexander there's alot to learn,"

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