A Malec Pizza Party

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This one shot is based on the TV show

"Alexander calm down..."Magnus said.
"I CAN'T MAGNUS IT'S OUR LITTLE GIRLS FIRST NIGHT HERE IT NEEDS TO BE PERFECT!"Alec said frantically tiding the lounge of their apartment.

Magnus walked over to Alec and places his hands on his shoulder "Alexander calm down,Madzie will love it as she loves you,"He pecks Alec on the cheek.
Alec immediately relaxes "This is so real,"he mumbles "I love that girl so much she deserves a brilliant life with us not with that old witch iris,"he mumbles.
Magnus chuckles "and she will remember she's new to this so you worrying will not help,"
Alec nods "you're right..."he pecks Magnus on the lips and the door bell rings.
Magnus slowly locks his hand with Alecs and they both take a deep breath "Ready...?"Magnus asked.
"Ready,"Alec replied.
Magnus opens the door and stood there was Catarina smiling with little Madzie beeming at the two holding her hand.
"Catarina!"Magnus greets Catarina and Madzie runs into Alecs arms "ALEC!"she cried with happiness.
Alec picks Madzie up and spins her in the air "Madzie my favourite little sorceress,"
Madzie giggles and nuzzles her head against Alecs shoulder sucking her thumb.
"Awww the little one,"Catarina said smiling at Alec with Madzie.
"She is adrobale,"Magnus agrees beeming proudly at his boyfriend.
"Well I need to get back to Work!more patients and all, will you be okay?"Catarina asked.
Magnus chuckles "Don't you threat dear Catarina Madzie will be in good hands with us,right sweet pea?"
Madzie nods smiling at Catarina and Magnus "Yes!"
Catarina laughs "Bye bye Madzie be good for your dads, "she smiles waving.
"Bye bye Auntie Catarina!"
Catarina blows Madzie a kiss as she goes through the front door.

As the door closes Magnus walks over to Alec who was still holding Madzie and beams at him "We've done it Alexander we now have our little girl,"
Alec kisses Madzies temple "We sure do,"he gently bounces Madzie causing her to gently smile.
"You happy sweat pea?"Magnus asked.
Madzie nods "I live with you two now?"she asked.
Magnus nods "You Sure do and you are a lucky girl because you have a big family!"
"I do?"Madzie asked.
Alec nods "let's see you have Grandma and Grandpa,You have your Auntie Isabelle who I advise not to eat her food,Uncle Jace and Uncle Simon and Auntie Clary,"Alec replied gently.
"And Auntie Catarina and Nana?"Madzie asked.
Alec looks at Magnus and they both shared a look the poor girl still doesn't know about Iris "We don't know about Nana sweet pea,"Magnus said stroking her hair.
"But Auntie Catarina yes!"Alec replies giggling trying to lighten the mood.
"How about we make dinner hey?"Magnus asked "what do you fancy Madzie?"
"Pizza!pizza!"Madzie says excitedly over and over again.
Magnus suddenly had an idea "Pizza it is! Madzie would you like to help?"
Madzie claps her hands excitedly "Yes! YES!"Madzie was so excited little pink sparks blew out of her tiny finger tips.
Alec chuckles and puts Madzie down "let's go into the kitchen then,"Alec takes Madzies small hand and the three go into the kitchen.
Magnus puts the radio on and together they start making pizza.
Alec started making the base , Magnus gets the ingredients together and little Madzie mixes the stiff mix together with help from Alec guiding her hands.
"I'm all Messy!"Madzie laughs.
Alec laughs too "That makes both of us,"
Magnus giggles watching the two and decided to take a picture of them for their family scrap book (Magnus's idea).

After the doe was made all three of them start making the toppings.
"What are you putting on your pizzas Madzie?"Magnus asked.
"This one is you,Alec and me!"she beamed, Magnus couldn't help but smile.
"They're beautiful sweet pea!"he picked Madzie up "now while the pizzas are cooking shall we get ready for bed?"Magnus asked.
Madzie nods .
"Let's go then do you need help?"Magnus asked.
Madzie shakes her head "No I'm a big girl!"she smiles widely.
"Of course you are if you need anything Alec and I will be here," Madzie happily skips into her brand new bedroom.

The pizzas are now cooked and Alec and Magnus couldn't be any happier as they set a dvd up of Disneys Beauty and the Beast apparently it was Madzies Favourite.
Madzie was now all ready for bed and she meets the two in the lounge "ALEC MAGNUS!"She squeels excitedly.
Alec and Magnus smile widely seeing Madzie in her Mikey mouse pyjamas.
"Who's this princess then?"Alec asked giving her a hug.
"Don't be silly I'm not a princess I'm Madzie!"Madzie giggles.
"Well I never you are Madzie!"Alec boops her nose.
"Pizzas ready!"Magnus comes into the room carrying 3 plates with pizza on using magic .
Alec and Madzie sit down on the sofa and was delited with the amazing dish on their laps.
"Is this me?"Alec asked looking at his pizza.
Madzie nods a thousand times "Yes and that's Magnus!"she points at Magnus's pizza and that's me!"she points at her pizza.
Alec looks at their pizzas with Awww "Let's take a picture of these Master pieces,"Alec takes out his phone and takes a picture of all three pizzas "let's have a selfie!"Magnus said excitedly he sits down next to Madzie and takes his phone out "say cheese!"
"Cheeesssseeee!"Madzie and Alec cheers as the photo was taken.
"Beautiful!"Magnus kisses Madzie on the cheek and all three start eating their pizza watching Beauty and the beast .
"You got cheese all over your face!"Alec laughs.
"You mucky pup,"Magnus gasps.
Madzie laughs hard making Magnus and Alec laugh "Come here, "Magnus cleans Madzie up using magic and covers her with kisses.
Madzie laughs even harder magic starts blasting everywhere due to happiness.
"Oh no Magnus you missed a spot!"Alec gasps kissing her too.
"Stop...!"Madzie laughs trying to breathe.
Magnus and Alec stop and laugh too and cuddle all together falling asleep as the film ends.

Alec and Magnus wake up and see Madzie asleep in between them Alec gently picks her up and the two take her to her bedroom and place her in her bed giving her a kiss each on her forehead "Good night Sweat pea,"Magnus whispers.
"Goodnight Princess,"Alec whispers.
"Night night Daddies,"Madzie whispers.

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