Baby steps

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This story has taken place after the infernal devices and Tessa and Will are expecting their first son James.
Jem as Brother Zachariah is in the story and when he" speaks" I'll be using a different font and ** these markers.

Will Herondale was worried out of his mind.
People might say that he was over the top that "The Demon pox wass not real," or "The Duck is not going to hurt you," but to Will this was way far worse then the Demon Pox or Ducks,the problem was Tessa. Will knew that Tessa had been feeling under the weather however he couldn't help but notice that his wife was getting worse as the weeks progressed.

Every morning Will would wake up to the other side of his bed empty and hearing the sound of Tessa throwing up her food from the previous night back up in the bathroom next door. He would also catch Tessa crying every so often and he couldn't understand why she wouldn't tell him why she was feeling so sad. This made Will's head spin and he couldn't tell Jem about the stress he was feeling due to Tessa's illness as often as he wanted too due to his silent brother duties. Everything was a mess and Will didn't know what to do.

Tessa was sat in the Library of the London institute reading her favourite novel A Tale of two cities by Charles Dickens that she had read so many times that she had lost count.She was also happily helping herself and munching on chocolate from a glass dish from the cabinate by her chair she was sat on. "What are you doing?"asked the familiar voice of her husband who had walked into the room and knealed down in front of her. He took Tessa's hand into his own "You are eating chocolate,"he stated "You hate chocolate." Tessa placed the novel onto her lap and looked at Will who was really looking worried yet confused at the same time. "There's nothing to worry about,"Tessa replied rubbing her thumb ever so gently across the top of his hand. Will did not look convinced and shook his head "No,"he said "There is something wrong with you and I am determined to find out what." By the look of his face Tessa knew that Will was not going to give up what so ever and she had to give him an answer that was the honest truth. Tessa sighed a little "I was going to tell you on your birthday,"she said.
Will looked simply horrified "Why would you tell me that you are dying on my birthday!?"he asked "that is horrendous!"
Tessa couldn't help but laugh "Darling im not dying,"she tells him reassuringly.
"You're not?"Will asked with disbelief.
Tessa shook her head "No...I am with child."

Unable to speak a stutter escaped Wills lips "Y-Y you're what?"he questioned making sure that what he was hearing was correct."I am expecting,"She replied. There was a minute of silence until Will had broken it by hugging Tessa ever so tightly and spinning her around in his arms"that is wonderful news ever so wonderful!"
Tessa cupped his cheeks ever so gently"You think so?"
"Ofcourse it is,"Will replied "We are going to have our very own little one. We are going to be parents Tess,you and me,And we are going to be the best parents ever." Will carefully puts a strand of Tessa's hair tucking it behind her ear before softly connecting his lips onto hers as the two share a kiss as the couple prepare for the ever so magical future.

A few months had passed and Tessa was starting to show. She had to admit there was joyful and ever so happy days but there was also days filled with fear and sadness too. One evening Will had walked into his room to find that Tessa was fast asleep amoung the soft,warm, cream quilts. He couldn't blame her.Will had alot of respect for his wife especially with what she was going through with growing a human being.

He placed his hand onto her shoulder and gave her a slight shake causing her to open her ever so beautiful pale grey eyes as she gave Will a small smile. "How long did I sleep?"Tessa asked rubbing her eyes. "Only for a few hours,"Will said running his fingers through her hair which only made Tessa have the urge to sleep even more.
"I'm sorry,"Tessa whispered as she sat up in the bed. Will helped her sit up. "Don't be silly,you can sleep as much as you want too,"he tells her reassuringly "but I promise this is worth every moment of being awake." Tessa immediately felt intrigued due to Will's excitement,she held onto his arm as she got herself up and Will escorted Tessa to one of the spare rooms of institute.

Inside it was absolutely beautiful. Tessa stood in complete awe and shock as she sees the room was coated in violet blue and a wooden cot carved with graceful alligant patterns and a crotchet baby blanket of white inside. There was also a shelf of books with titles which Tessa knew and loved growing up and a box filled with stuffed teddy bears and knitted toys,however the best part was the glassed window that had the sun shining in its beauty and warmth. "You know what the best part is?"Will asked Tessa walking over to the cot and started to rock it gently "You don't have too keep rocking it just one gently push and it rocks for you! Our baby will be asleep in no time."

Placing her hand onto her growing baby bump Tessa stepped inside and had another look of the room up close "h-how did you do this?"she asked.
"Easy really,"Will responded "Henry helped me with the room,Charlotte provided the toys and with the cot it was Henry's invention for when he and Charlotte had Charles." Tessa looked at the book shelf "and the books?"she asked.
"Well I knew you wanted to share your love of books and stories to our own children so I made sure that our son or daughter will have the best of everything:Bronte,Dickens,Shakespeare,Austen."

Tessa sat down on the arm chair that was placed opposite the cot and took a deep breath. "Whats the matter darling?"Will questioned as he takes a seat next to her and takes her hand gently "Don't you like the bedroom?"
"Will...I love it,"Tessa replied "I absaloutley love it,its so wonderful and beautiful it is the best baby's room I had ever layed eyes on."
"Is it the baby?"Will asked with a hint of worry in his voice. "I'm just never thought I could be this happy,"Tessa explained "but yet I'm so frightened too,do I sound mad?" A small smile formed onto Will's face and he placed his hand onto Tessa's swollen belly. "Sometimes that's a good thing,"Will said before planting a kiss onto her temple. "If I could I would take away all the pain,"Will whispered.
"Oh im not frightened of the pain,"a chuckle escaped from her lips "I'm frightened of failing,failing of being a parent".
"Love its okay to feel like this,its going to take baby steps for the both of us and we are going to have ourselves one happy,healthy baby."
Tessa puts her hand on top of Will's against her bump and rested her head onto his shoulder closing her eyes feeling the warmth shine in from the window.

Even more months had gone by and the couple were blessed with a beautiful baby boy who had midnight black fair hair and treasured golden eyes . One summers day Tessa and Will was taking their new born son to meet Brother Zachariah his 'uncle Jem' at the Blackfirs bridge.

Once on the bridge Will and Tessa had met 'Jem' who was wearing his usual parchment-colored, hooded robe that is belted at the waist. Both Tessa and Will could sense the warmth and happiness the Silent brother was feeling as his starlight black eyes shone on the baby Will was holding in his arms. *'So this is your son?'*Jems voice asked through Will and Tessa's mind.
"This is James Herondale,"Will said rather proudly "named after one of the bravest shadowhunters we parabati."
*'You know how I strongly dislike that you use my name to name your baby,'* 'Jem's voice said through their minds with a hint of teasing amusmant. "Ofcourse we did,"Tessa said looking at her precious son who was looking up at Jem with wide curious eyes. "Would you like to cuddle with Uncle Jem?"Tessa cooed running her fingers through the baby's hair. Will carefully and gently gave James to Brother Zachariah who held him with secure arms and protection. *' This boy is well loved,'* Jem's voice echoed. *'I promise he will be protected at all costs and every Herondale after.'*
James cooed and Jem pressed his hand gently on the top of the baby's fragile head *'and Uncle Jem loves you,so very much the world is waiting for you child.'* The world was waiting for James indeed and so much was lying ahead for him,a world full of magic, adventure and stories but it will take baby steps,one step at a time.

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