The Bride and the Baker

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In the city of Paris Simon Lewis had just finished baking an ever so large wedding cake which was coated in white creamy frosting and decorated with milk chocolate flowers,he was proud to say it was his best work.
As he wiped his sweaty forhead the door opened causing the bell to ring singnaling a costumer had walked in.

Simon walked over to the counter and see's the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had beautifuly long raven hair waving down her back,she had the most gorgeous chocolate brown eyes and she was wearing a bage jacket denim blue jeans and a pale baret on the top of her head. The only thing that was wrong was that she looked sad,heart broken even. "Bonjour Mademoiselle,"Simon greeted with a warm smile. "Bonjour,"she replied,Simon could instant tell she is showing a forced smile.
"Je suis Anglai's"she tells him.
"Oh you speak English,"Simon said.
The girl shows Simon an ever so small smile "and you are American.
Simon nodded "Yep that's me the American baker working for a school programme in Paris I fly home to New York in a month...I'm Simon,Simon Lewis by the way,"he takes out his hand which the woman takes giving it a shake, "Isabelle Lightwood,"she said giving him a slightly wider smile. 'Isabelle the most perfect name for the most perfect Woman,'Simon thought he couldn't help but daydream a little.
"I'm here to pay for the wedding cake,"she said. 'Oh...the wedding cake was for Isabelle,'she's the one getting married,and Simon could understand completely ofcourse she has a fiance.
"You're the one who ordered the three layered wedding cake with-"
"Vanilla frosting and Milk Chocolate flowers?"Izzy asked "Yeah that's me I'd like to pay for it and return it."
"Return it?"questioned Simon.
"Yeah...My fiance well... My ex Fiance dumped me last night,"she tells him.
'So that was why Izzy looked so heartbroken some asshole dumped this beautiful angel.'The only question was Why would he do that to her? Despite only meeting Isabell for a few minutes Simon could already tell by looking into her eyes and studying her face was that she did not deserve being dumped at all and by the look of all things all Izzy wants is to be loved.
"Well I just finished baking the cake,"Simon said "I think its my best work actually it would be a shame if you maybe didn't even look at it."

With a sharp inhale Izzy nodded a little "I would feel terrible that you went through all this trouble by baking a cake that I wouldn't even be eating it the least I could do is see it."
Simon lets Izzy through to the back of the bakery and on a table was the wedding cake that Simon spent days and hours into baking.

Izzy simply looked at it and then burst into tears. Simon is a very huggable person so he gave Isabelle a warm friendly embrace. "Don't cry,"he said "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't cry."
"I can't help it,"she sniffled "You've worked so hard on baking this goregous cake and now no one is going to even eat any of it,Ive wasted your time." Simon wipped the fragile girl's tears off her cheeks using his thumb "You haven't wasted anytime,"he tells her ever so gently"I'll tell you what how about we can sit down and have a slice? like you said we shouldn't let it go to waste." Sniffling once more Izzy nodded showing a devastated smile with only a tiny slight of happiness as Simon suggested to her the offer. Simon parts away and goes to fetch two plates,Forks and a Cake knife before returning and setting up the table for the two to sit at.

Izzy's eyes instentaly melted as soon as she took a bite "Oh my god this is amazing!"she said after she swolled.
Simon gave the woman a smile "'s not the best,"he started.
"No it is,"Izzy said disagreeing with him "When did you learn how to bake like this?"
"My Mom taught me ever since I was little even though it's not what I want to do in life."
"And what do you want to do?"She asked him."I want to be a muscian but I don't have the right equipment so this job will pay for it,this is just a back up."
"Wow thats amazing,"Izzy said looking really interested in the conversation which is a new to Simon as no one ever seemed interested in him before. "What about you?"
"Its embarrassing,"she puts a strand of hair behind her ear. "I bet its not,"Simon said.
"Ive always wanted to be a movie star,"Izzy whispered "You know like Marylin Monroe she was a movie star and a model."
"That is not stupid at all,"Simon said "I bet you in a few years time that one day I will see you on the covers of magazines and see Isabelle light wood written in bright golden lights."

For the rest of the day,which had flown by,the two had been eating the cake and discussed about different topics from :Past relationships,Family,School and hobbies. Simon had learned that Izzy's ex fiance was named Rapheal Santiago who only wanted Isabelle for money as she came from a high status family. "Its getting late,"Izzy said looking up at the mini wooden clock on the wall. She got up from her seat and puts on her coat "Its been lovely getting to know you Simon talking and eating an entire wedding cake,"she chuckled a little which only caused Simon to chuckle too. "Will I ever see you again?"Simon blutered out suddenly which only caused him to mentally slap himself in the face. "Sorry that came out really different than what I planned in my head,"however to Simon's suprise Izzy kissed him on the cheek and gave him a piece of paper with her number on it "Call me,"she said ever so gently.

Bright red mixed with pink rised onto Simon's cheeks, "Id love to do something with you when you fly back to New York." With a stutter Simon nodded furiously "Uh huh that w-would be a-awesome."
"Goodnight Simon Lewis,"with a final smile Izzy leaves the bakery leaving Simon even more happier than he ever could be,but what he didn't know was that he had a long bright future with Isabelle ahead of him and love was possible for a baker like him.

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