Clace:Midnight Picnic

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This one shot is set after the finale and Jace takes Clary on a Midnight Picnic to try and get Clary to remember more than his name.

The Moon was shining down from the beauty of night onto the beautiful,Delicate blanket of Food Jace had set up for himself and Clary,'This is perfect'Jace thought to himself showing a small smile on his lips thinking about Clary and having confidence that the Angels will make something happen tonight despite their spite. Jace sat down on the blanket holding a bouquet of hand picked flowers looking at the reflective lake infront of him with lilly pads and flowers floating on the water and fairy lights neatly hung up in the trees branches above the lake as he waited for Clary.

Sounds of footsteps from behind caused Jace to turn around and smile even more seeing Clary in a cute beautiful black dress that reminded Jace of the dress Clary wore to Magnus Banes party when trying to get her memories back the first time. Clary puts a strand of hair behind her ear as she smiled widely walking down to the spread of food and Jace as he stood up and handed her the bouquet. "Thank you,"Clary said taking a sniff of the Honey sweet scent "They're beautiful."
"So are you,"Jace said carefully taking her hand and sitting down on the comfortable blanket next to her.
A red blush appears on Clarys fair skin and she giggles her adorable laugh that made Jaces heart always skip a beat when she does so.

"This looks delicious,"Clary commented as Jace takes out the selection of food: Sandwiches filled with:Cheese,Ham,Chicken Mayonaise salads with no crust on the ends prestened on small paper plates,Along with so many choices of cakes that looked too good to eat,Jace had really put an effort with this picnic. "I hope it tastes as delicious as it looks,"Jace said handing Clary a plate which she happily took and helped herself to the food.

"Did you remember anything else?"Jace asked "Since our last date?"
As Clary bit into a cupcake with buttercream icing she had a sad look in her eyes and shook her head wiping some cream off of her red Apple lips. "No,"she said quietly "Sorry,"she added with a whisper in her voice. Jace felt a pain in his heart as she said that kind of like his heart shattering in a thousand pieces ever so slowly,he bit his lip nodding trying to not show the hurt and disappointment he was currently feeling. "Its okay,"he managed to say running his hand through his blond hair. "I do keep seeing the symbols on your neck though,"Clary said with a slight bit of hopefullness in her voice as she traces her finger tips on Jace's Runes down his neck. "You mean Runes?"Jace asked. Clary noded remembering the word from when Jace told Clary all about the Shadow World from when they saw eachother at Clarys Art opening a few weeks ago. "Yes Runes,"she said.

Jace's eyes shone with a fraction of happiness and hope showing Clary his famous smile which Clary shows in return,"Maybe this isn't a bad thing,"Jace said remembering how their love story unfolded the first time with Clary having the sight. "What do you mean?"Clary asked with confusion planted on her face.
"When we first met you had the sight basically what you have when seeing the Runes,"Jace explained.
"Really?"Clary asked her hand touching Jaces a little.
Jace saw this and he carefully places his hand on top of Clary's "Really,"he said. "You said that when I lost my memories of the Shadow World the Angels took my runes away,"Clary tells Jace. Jace took a sharp inhale and nodded "Yeah..."he said ever so quietly. "What if me losing my memories is a chance for our story to be retold?"Clary asked.
Jace took a bite out of a Chicken Sandwich and wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his suit "What do you mean Clare?"he asked.

Clary gulps nervously and could feel her heart thumping through her entire body as she looked back up at Jace "What im saying is...Train me to be a Shadow hunter again,bring me back to that world I left behind and just a theory but...if I get my runes back-"
"You Could get your Memories back,"Jace finished Clary's sentence off. Clary nodded "Yes..."

Jace was about to say something when he felt water spit onto his face and the spitting continued until the rain increased by a massive amount. Both Clary and Jace were now drenched from head to toe. Clary looked up at the sky as rain fell onto her face heavily as she closed her eyes. Jace looks at Clary with love and admiration as Clary let out a laugh and squeal she opened her eyes and looks down at the ruined food "Oh no the food!"she laughed with pity.
Jace lets out a small chuckle and helped Clary up "Time to get out of here,"he said.

Jace and Clary work together to tidy the picnic up and take down the fairy lights in the trees. "Clary be careful,"Jace tells her as she stood on her tiptoes in the tree reaching for the fairy lights," it!"she said with detminartion as she stretched. As Clary got ahold of the lights she lost her balance and slips causing her to fall backwards. Letting out a slight scream Jace rushes over and catches Clary into his arms "I got you,"he said holding Clary protectively. Clary looked up at Jace and felt herself leaning in closer staring into Jaces unique eyes and sees them glow into a golden colour "Y-your eyes..."she whispered as she gets even closer.
"Don't worry,"Jace whispered soothingly strocking his fingers through her wet fierce red hair and connects his lips to Clary's.

Clary closed her eyes and kisses Jace back placing her shivering cold hand behind Jaces head rubbing her fingers through his hair as the rain got more fierce.

Once they finally part Jace cups Clary's cheeks studying her even more before nodding "Ill do it,"he yelled through the storm
"Do what?"Clary yelled back with amusmant.
"I'll train you to be a Shadow Hunter again,Get your Memories back,"Jace said rubbing his thumb against her rain stained cheek "To be who you were always meant to be."

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