Dinner With Mrs Lewis

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This one shot is based on the books universe and is set after The Tales from The Shadowhunter Academy book.

"Alright, Ready to go?"
"Lipstick! I need my Lipstick-" Sitting in the passenger seat of The Rock Solid Panda Van Isabelle Lightwood poured the entire content of her purse onto her lap in search for her beloved Lipstick.
Simon Lewis's eyes widened a little due to how much stuff his girlfriend actually managed to fit into such a small handbag, but yet again Izzy always seemed to make the impossible possible, like Battling Demons in 7 inch heels for example.

Simon took Izzy's hand and squeezed it "Babe you don't need-" his voice trailed off as Izzy found what she was looking for, picking the lipstick up and looking at it as if it was the Mortal Cup in her very hands. "I've Got It!" Izzy practically screeched, that reminded Simon very much of someone from the exterstis and then applied an emergency coat of Ruby Red onto her lips. "Makeup..." he finished.

Izzy glanced at her boyfriend from the corner of her eye as she applied the lipstick looking at the back view Mirror, "What?" She asked noticing how Simon was looking at her, she then started to examine the final look and made any last minute alterations or 'Fixes' as Isabelle prefers to say, in which to Simon's eyes is redoing the entire look again.

Simon sighed, "Izzy we're having Dinner with My Mom and Sister-" he started. "Exactly," said Izzy with a nod, wiping at her eyes with a wipe and then reapplying her Mascara "I need to make an effort."
Simon was touched by how much Izzy wanted to make an effort in attempting to impress his Mother and Sister, "Awe Iz-" he gave Izzy's hand another comforting squeeze to show his apperciation and that always sent electric currents shooting all over Izzy's veins and body, Izzy squeezed Simon's hand back and sighed a little, finally putting down the Mascara and turning to look at her boyfriend in the eyes, the one thing she had been avoiding all day, knowing that this moment will come haunting over her.

"My Mom won't care about What you look like," Simon tells Izzy gently, he placed his hand over Isabelle's chest where her heart was beating strong and rapidly with nerves "It's what's in here that matters."

Izzy couldn't help but chuckle a little "Says the guy who went to the bathroom to change his Shirt Three Times when having Dinner with my parents last week." Simon blinked but couldn't help but laugh, Rolling his eyes a little "Okay that was so different!" Izzy raised an eyebrow with challengment in the midst of still giggling "How So?"

"Because -" He was trying to look dead pan and serious but Simon only kept on breaking out into a smile and laughter the more that Izzy looks at him like that, "Because Your Parents Are Badass Warriors who slaughter Demons for a living!" Simon protested with a slight stutter in his voice, "Its In The Boyfriend Rule Book, If I Don't Want To Have My Head Decapitated, Everything Had To Be Perfect-"

"Even the shirt?" Izzy asked.
"Even the shirt." Simon leaned forward and kissed Izzy sweet and gentle on the lips in which she happily accepted and kissed back "Trust me Isabelle, My Mom will love you."

Izzy let's out a shaken breath and looked out of the passanger side window at Simon's Childhood Home that was waiting dauntingly to greet them. She nodded at her reflection with encouragement 'I've Got This,' Izzy tells herself as she brushed her fingers through her hair one final time just for Goodluck, 'I've Got This, I Am Isabelle Lightwood, I kill Demons for a living for the Angel's Sake, I've encountered Greater Demons and Prince's Of Hell, I've Traveled through Edom and Faught in the Dark War. What is having Dinner With Your Boyfriends Mom Have Against That? Absaloutely Nothing! So Get A Grip Isabelle! Don't Be Such A-'

Before it was too late and Izzy could stop herself she opened the passenger door and stepped foot outside and onto the pavement "Let's Do This," she said. Simon looked at Izzy with pride and gave her a warming smile that was enough for Izzy's insides to melt like dark chocolate and her heart to beat increasingly at a dangerous rate as he goes to join her, interlocking his hand with hers and planting a kiss at her forehead. "That's my girl, just think when this is all over, we can go back home, Cuddle on the couch and continue our Star Wars Marathon."

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