'Out Of The Shadows'

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This is a chapter set before The Celine and Carlos story centering around Rebecca Lewis Lovelace My Oc of the Daughter of Simon and Izzy with Jonathan and a little bit of Celine and Carlos.

This is about how the Band 'Out Of The Shadows' got together so it'll make sense if you've read the Celine and Carlos story (The previous Chapters) before hand, but apart from that I do hope you enjoy reading 😊

"This is shit," said Rebecca finally putting down her Acoustic guitar after spending over 3 hours of her time strumming random chords sat in her Father's childhood home's garage that belonged to Rebecca's Grandmother.

"It could be worse-" Jonathan started,spinning on a rather old very over used spinny chair.
Rebecca gave her cousin a look with no emotion in her face what so ever "It's Shit," she said, "We have to be the worst band in the entire history of Bands-"
"Are we even a band?" Jonathan asked.
"No!" Rebecca yelled but only with irritation frustration, "There's only 2 of us! No one's turned up to the auditions and we don't even have a band name."

"Well...currently we're Rebecca and Jonathan or Jonathan and Rebecca," Jonathan mumbled under his breath only resulting to Rebecca slamming her head to the wooden table that she was sat at several times and letting out a dramatic groan.

The garage door then opened making Jonathan practically fly off of his chair and Rebecca to lift up her head and look with for the first time that day hope and excitement that almost instantly died out again seeing that it was only Simon, carrying a tray of snacks and bottles of water.

"Hey kids," he said with a smile "I thought you guys might be hun-gry-" Simon's voice trailed off to find them exactly as to how he had last seen them "Oh."

Rebecca groaned again and buried her face into her hands, Jonathan was still lying on the floor in a very over dramatic manner as if he had just been killed in a Shakespeare play.

"Okay so no 'Hi Dad Thank You So Much For Being The Most Awesome Person That You Are And Bringing Us Food-?' " Simon asked putting the tray down onto the table.

"Dad now isn't the time for snacks," Rebecca grumbled, face still in her hands. "You've still got to eat Becks," Simon ruffled his hand through her hair and then turned to look down at his Nephew, "You too Jonathan, Your Mom would kill me if we return home and you haven't got anything inside you -"

"Failers don't deserve to eat," said Jonathan rather sorrowfully.
Simon frowned "Guys c'mon you aren't failers, it just wasn't what you've thought that's all-"

"You're one to talk," said Rebecca now looking up from her hands "You, Eric, Matt and Kirk were already friends when you formed 'Rock Solid Panda,' making 4 members, you got lucky that Jordan auditioned because he was part of the Praetor Lupus! Making 5 members! Not 2!"

"You can have a band of only two members-" Simon started.
"Name one," Rebecca said without missing a beat.
"Um...er..."Simon rubbed the back of this neck "The Pet Shop Boys?" Although Simon said it more as a question then a statement "Jedward..."

Jonathan blinked "Who's Jedward?" He asked now sitting up.
Rebecca let's out a sigh, "Dad I appreciate what you're trying to do but we don't want to be The Pet Shop Boys or Jedward whoever they are, we want to be Green Day, Nirvana or even The Police we just need at least one more person and then-"

The Garage door opened again now entering Celine Herondale, "I am a genius," she said with a smirk plastered on her face and walking with a strut, "I have solved all of your problems, you are both very welcome," she eyed the snacks tray and helped herself to a handful of Popcorn.

Rebecca, Jonathan and Simon all stare at Celine with the blankest of expressions all over their face's, "Celine, What are you talking about?" Jonathan asked slowly getting back up onto his feet.

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