Celine the Shadowhunter

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This One Shot is based on my Oc that I made called Celine who is Jace and Clary's daughter, this is when she has her Angelic Rune Ceremony, I hope you enjoy 💕

Based on both the books and Tv Show

Celine Herondale walked out of her training session sighing with sadness, Alec knew immediately that there was something wrong with his Niece as he walked past her. Alec stopped at his tracks "Hey what's wrong little Herondale?" he asked. The 10 year old looked up at her Uncle "I've passed all my training sessions," Celine said. Alec raised his eyebrow a little with confusion "Well that's great, isn't it?" he asked. Celine only shook her head "Dad won't let me get my angelic rune," she said.
"What, why not?" Alec asked even more confused.
"He says i'm not ready yet but Rafe got his first rune at 7! And Becky had hers before me and I'm older!" Celine replied referring to two of her cousin's "and they went on mission's I haven't even been on one yet!" Alec couldn't help but feel sorry for Celine and he couldn't help but think that Jace is in fact too over protective of his daughter, by now Celine should of at least went on one tiny mission. Alec gave Celine a hug "Leave everything to me," he said. Celine looked up at her uncle "What do you mean?" she asked. "Don't worry about that," Alec tells her "I promise Uncle Alec will Sort it and you will get your Angelic rune."

That evening everyone was having dinner in the catering section of the institute, except for Alec who was running late. Even though it was Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner which is Celine's favourite she was just not hungry and was playing with the pasta on her plate that was in front of her. "Aren't you hungry Angel?" Clary asked her daughter "It's your favourite." Celine shook her head "No," she said "I don't feel like eating."
Jonathan Celine's 5 year old brother however was getting his dinner all over his face and was eating with his hands. Clary couldn't help but chuckle at him "here honey have a napkin," she said giggling a little passing the red head a napkin for him to wipe his face. "He's enjoying it aren't you?" Jace asked "That is completely normal."
" Like when you ate like a 2 year old every time we have Spaghetti, "Izzy said as she twirled the pasta around her fork. Jace gasped mockingly "I did no such thing!" he said. "That's why you have sauce on your face," Simon commented who was sat next to Izzy. All the children erupt into laughter and Jace wiped his mouth ever so quickly with his hand. Magnus however kept looking around for his husband "Where is Alec?" he asked "He's always on time for dinner."

"Sorry I'm late," Alec said walking over to the table "I had something to take care of,"
" And what is that Alec? "Clary asked slightly intrigued.
Alec stood in a tall, strong posture "Celine Herondale, if you can stand up please?" he asked. Celine was a little confused but she did so anyway "It is an honour to announce that you will be getting your Angelic Rune tomorrow." Celine's eyes widened a little "Wait are you serious?" she asked. Alec gave Celine a small smile "I am always serious," he said. Celine couldn't hold in her excitement and started squealing as she jumped up and down "THANK YOU, THANK YOU,THANK YOU!" She gave her Uncle the tightest hug "YOU'RE THE BEST UNCLE EVER!" Alec hugged Celine back "You're very welcome," he said.
"Congratulations Celine," Izzy said watching Becky give Celine the tightest hug. Clary smiled seeing how happy Celine was however Clary's smile faded seeing that Jace did not look happy at all.

"Wait," Jace said standing up "We didn't discuss this."
"Jace," Clary said trailing off a little.
Jace however didn't hear his wife and just looked at Alec "She's not your kid, she's mine!" Everyone else in the room turned to look at the Caos that was starting to form. "People are staring," Rafe,who was 14 mumbled sitting next to Magnus and his younger adoptive brother Max who was 13. "This is awesome," Max commented under his breath. Magnus gave the young Warlock a little nudge "Ssh," he whispered "Don't inter fear."

" But Dad I passed every single training session 2 years ago! "Celine protested. Jace turned to look at Celine "You're not ready!"he tells her. "Jace come on," Alec said starting to get impatient. Jace looked at Clary "and do you agree with this?" he asked. Clary but her lip a little "I mean um...I do," she started to say but was cut off by Jace. "Great just great!" he yelled getting frustrated "She's not getting it, and that is final!" he tells Alec "You have no right to do this behind my back, some brother you are!"

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