Build A bear

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Based on either books or TV show
"Why am I here?"Jace asked as soon as He and Simon enter the store filled with screaming Mundane kids running everywhere throwing flat deflated Teddy bears around, Jace could of sworn he saw a Stuffed Duck somewhere amongst the devil beasts surrounding him. "Because,"Simon said "Our pregnant wives sent us to get our unborn daughters a Teddy bear each and you know how they are,"Simon shivers a little "They are like Demons when we either A disagree with them or B don't do what they want us to do." "Or when we don't go out in 3 in the morning to get pregnancy cravings,"Jace muttered. Simon shivered again and made a disgusted face"I swear by the angel if I see or smell another jar of Pickles,Gherkins or even have to order a anchovies pizza I will actually puke." Jace suprisinly agreed with him and noded "Women are a strange,dangerous speicies..." "Indeed."
"What are supposed to do anyways?"Jace asked. Simon snapped out of his daydream "Oh right um...yeah first we pick out the bear." Jace turned and faced the selection of deflated,flat and dead looking (to Jace) animals. "Im not getting my daughter one of those hideous ugly looking things!"he declared "Have you seen the prices?they are a rip off!"Simon couldnt help but laugh alittle " have to make it thats why Its called Build a bear." Jace crossed his arms together and did not look happy "My angel deserves better, why cant I get her a sereph blade or a stele something more useful and exciting?" "Jace!"Simon hissed in a whisper tone "You Can Not Get A Baby Weapons!"he changed his tone back to normal and stood up straight "besides Clary will physically murder you."That is true and Jace knew it was.He defintley did not want to come home to a 7 month pregnant wife who will pratically kill and scream at him for the rest of the pregnancy. Getting this bear is a mission and he could not under any cercomstances fail. Rolling his eyes and groaning Jace randomly picked up a grey fured bear with beautiful black stoned eyes. Simon however was carefully choosing his bear and ended up picking up a bear which was a beautiful cream. "Okay I got the bear now what?"Jace asked.
Simon furrowed his eyebrows looking at the bear in Jaces hands "Are you sure about that one?"he asked.
"Simon..."Jace began but was cut off,
"Wouldn't she like a pink one or a purple? Ooo maybe a Kitty or even a Unicorn look theres a blue one with wings!"
"SIMON!"Jace yelled, Parents turned and gave Jace a look causing him to turn a shade of hot pink "I.Like.This.One,"he hissed grinding his teeth together "I am having this one."

The boys move onto the next Station which was stuffing the bears a Man wearing a Blue and Yellow Uniform with a small teddy bear in his pants pocket was sat at the stool and raised his eyebrow a little looking up at the two grown men walking up to him holding their bears. "Um arent you a little too old for this?"he asked.
Simon shook his head rapidly "Oh no no no these are for our Daughters,"he said. "Yeah right,"the Man muttered under his breath as he took the bear off Simon. Jace was already losing his patience "Listen here buddy!"he snapped "THESE BEARS ARE OUR DUTY OF LIFE AND DEATH AT THE MOMENT! WE HAVE PREGNANT WIVES AT HOME WHO WILL PRACTICALLY MURDER US IF WE DONT COME HOME WITH A DAMN BEAR! SO YOU STOP WITH THE ATTUTUDE AND YOU WILL MAKE US THESE BEARS!" Simons eyes widened starring at Jace,the Clerk looked shaken up and nodded stuttering in his words " you want to make...the um...B-bears?"he asked. Jace shot the man a death glare he wanted to stab him with his serpeph blade right here and then or do something even worse. "That's a no then,"the man mumbled starting to stuff the bears. As soon as he finished stuffing he gave Simon and Jace a small stuffed heart "You need to um make a wish..." He said "Its part of the process of making the stuffed animals."
Jace was about to punch the clerk squared face in the jaw but Simon stopped him "Jace we need to do it..."He whispered.
"He's Trying To Make Us Look Like Idoits!"Jace hissed glaring at the Clerk who had a smug look on his face "LOOK AT HIM!"
Simon sighed looking at the Man for a second "Look all we do is close our eyes and hold the hearts in our hands nothing more." Jace gave up and lets out a frustrated groan "Fine!fine..."he muttered putting his hands up in defense.

Holding the hearts in their palms Jace and Simon closed their eyes shut and secretly made a wish. "Please give my child protection...make her happy and always feel beautiful Please don't let her get harmed in anyway..."Jace muttered and then kissed the heart putting it inside the bear.
"I wish that my little Beccy has the best life a girl could ask for to always be happy even when times are grey and blue,"Simon muttered he then opened his eyes kissed the heart like Jace and puts it inside his bear.

The next station was choosing the sound,Jace had to admit he was confused. "What do you mean sound?"he asked the Clerk. The man looked at Jace as if he was stupid "Are you stupid?"he asked. Jace was not happy with his response at all it wasn't his fault he didn't understand everything Mundane. "A sound for your bear,"Simon tells him gently "What you do is choose one and then put it inside your bear,you then squeeze wherever you put the little box and the bear speaks like so..." Simon chose a voice box that sings Superfriend from the Superflash Musical Crossover from the flash. Jace looked horrified hearing Simon's bear sing one of the most annoying songs he had ever heard. "There's no way in Hell that im choosing a voice box thing..."he said coldly. Simon shugged "Fine suit yourself,"he said before pressing the bears paw again causing it to sing. The Clerk rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"What's your kids name?"the Clerk asked with a pen out. "Oh um Rebecca Lewis,"Simon said,the Man wrote Rebecca Lewis onto the bears label "and yours?"he asked looking at Jace.
"Celine Herondale,"he said with a strong nod. The Clerk started to snicker a little as he wrote the name down "Whats so funny?"Jace asked.
"What kind of name is that?"he asked letting out a laugh.
"My kid's..."Jace replied with the straightest face,The man looked at Jace and see's that he was indeed serious. "Oh um...right,"he stuttered he gave Jace the bear "For Celine Herondale..."Jace forcefully grabbed the bear off the Clerk "THANK YOU!"He snapped before him and Simon walk to the clothes aisle to chose their bear's outfits.

"Check this out,"Simon said as they left the store Simon shows Jace his bear wearing a Super Girl outfit with a red furry cape. "Oh my god..."Jace said and only said in disbelief. "I present to you Super Bear!"Simon said in a dramatic voice "And in the normal ordinary world she is Kara Danvers!"he then showed Jace a pair of smart clothes with a skirt,A blouse,A mini Blaser and a pair of small glasses as they get into Simon's van. "I feel for you Simon really I do,"Jace said putting his seatbelt on "But my Bear is better."
"Oh really?"he asked.
"Uh huh."
"Lets see then,"Simon said already not impressed.Jace picks up his bear from the box and it was wearing a black leather jacket with Black denim jeans and holding a small plastic sword."This is Jace bear,"Jace said.
"Jace bear?"Simon asked.
Jace nodded "Yep Jace bear so Celine knows how Cool and awesome her Daddy is."
Simon burst out laughing "You are unbelievable she will HATE that."
"No she won't,"Jace said "This bear is everything your bear isn't I mean...Super Bear really?"
"Yes Really!"Simon said getting defensive "My little girl will love it unlike yours!"
"In your dreams Lewis,"Jace said. Simon started the engine rolling his eyes "May the Best bear win,"he muttered.

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