By The Angel

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Authors note: This is a pregnancy one shot and are based on both the books and TV show as there are facts from both!

This took me days to write.

Clary woke up feeling sick.
Feeling sick is the worst feeling to wake up to and a normal person would want to stay in bed all day, but not Clary,despite how sick she felt in the stomach Clary was determined to continue as if everything was normal and get through it. Sometimes that's the best thing to do to get better, that's what her Mother used to tell her. The one thing that didn't make sense was that how did she get sick? Clary hardly ever gets sick, she never missed a day of school and was practically healthy in every way, and there was nowhere she could of caught it from.

At breakfast Clary wished that she did stay in bed, just looking at the greasy fat bacon on her plate made her want to gag but not to make anything look suspicious she puts a piece into her mouth and started to chew ever so slowly. Simon took out a sachet of blood from his jacket pocket and mixes it into his eggs. Clary knew that Simon couldn't help it, having blood was the only way he could down his food but the thought of blood and eggs together was too much for her.

"That is disgusting Simon!" Jace said scrunching his face as he looked at Simon's plate. Izzy was the first to defend her boyfriend "Hey!" she snapped "Leave him alone! He can't help it." Alec was the first to respond from Izzy's outburst "We know," he sighed "You say that every meal but you have to agree that is not very appetizing ." Before anyone can say anything else Clary gagged and got up from her seat. Jace turned his head to look at Clary "Clary?" he asked confused. Clary then sprinted out of the catering section of the institute. "CLARY!" Jace called out.

As Clary threw up in the bathroom toilet tears were streaming down her face even though she wasn't crying. Clary then felt a warm comforting hand start to rub her back and Clary knew that it was Jace. "Awe Clary," Jace said rubbing her back and holding her hair back until she had finished and had flushed the toilet. "Are you okay?" Jace asked concerned he went down to Clary's height kneeling down in front of her. She looked terrible, awfully pale and shivering. "Baby you're burning up," Jace said putting his hand against her forehead. "I-feel so sick," Clary whispered.
Jace pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead "any better now?" he asked. Clary nodded smiling a little Jace's hugs made everything better.

For the rest of the day Clary slept, in the morning she slept in her bed,in the afternoon she slept on the couch and she woke up feeling a lot better. Clary opened her eyes to find Jace cuddling with her on the couch, Jace gave Clary a smile seeing that she was awake "Morning Sleeping beauty," he said before giving Clary a kiss on the forehead. Clary mumbled a little as she woke up "How long was I asleep?" she asked.
"10 hours," Jace replied. Clary wiped her eyes and stretched a little "Sorry," she apologised.
"Don't be sorry," Jace said "how are you feeling?" he asked.
"I actually feel okay," Clary tells him "I'm hungry but I'm good."
" Well you have thrown everything up, "Jace pointed out he gave Clary an extra squeeze "What would you like?"
" Pizza please, "Clary said "a large one with all the meaty toppings on." Jace raised an eyebrow at Clary "Meat?" he asked "You always go for Ham and pineapple." Clary shrugged a little "Hey being sick means tastebuds change," she said. Jace nodded a little and got up from the couch to order the pizza.

As soon as the pizza arrived and Clary took her first bite she almost regretted ordering it. The dough tasted stale and so dry and for some reason the tomato sauce and cheese didn't seem to taste right together and the smell of garlic that came from the side order of garlic bread that came with the pizza made Clary feel sick and before she knew it Clary threw up even more violently then this morning, everywhere and all down her pyjamas. Jace flinched and his eyes widened "What the hell!?" he cursed as he rushed over to Clary and started to rub her back as she continued to vomit. Once she finished Jace could feel his entire body start to shake, Clary was heavily breathing "Are you okay?" Jace asked. Clary was silent for a moment shaking and she tilted her head to look up at Jace "What's happening to me?" she said with a whimper in her voice. Jace could feel anxiety tugging at his chest " don't know,"he said starting to feel terrified for Clary.

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