Malec: You're my forever Magnus Bane

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Magnus smiled as he looked at the precious photos of him and his Boyfriend Alexander Lightwood and smirks laughing a little remembering that day like the back of his hand.

"Come on Alexander Please!"Magnus begged dragging Alec outside a photo booth in the local mall.
"NO Magnus I look awful in photos please!"Alec whined.
"But...Alexander I'll be sad..."Magnus shows his cat eyes and puts on a sad face.
"Not the cat eyes Magnus..."Alec couldn't take it and gave up "Fine..."Magnus turns off his Cat eyes and beems happily "awww thanks Babe!" And Drags Alec into the photo booth.
The two sat down and got ready for the camera "Smile!"Magnus said and they both smiled doing different poses and laughing their asses off.

Magnus puts the photos back and remembers all the happy times he had with Alec like their first kiss now that was Magical, he then had a thought 'We won't be together forever if I'm immortal and he's not, we can't grow old together I'LL HAVE TO WATCH ALEXANDER DIE!' tears rolled down his face at the thought.
"Hey Magnus I-"Alec walked into the room and pauses seeing Magnus he imediatly runs over to him.
"Magnus baby what's wrong?"he asked concerned.
"Nothing Alexander..."Magnus replied with sadness wiping his tears to try and hide the evidence.
"Tell me what's wrong please?"Alec asked gently.
"We won't be together forever,"Magnus replied in a whisper.
"Why would you say that?"Alec asked "are you breaking up with me?"he asked worrid.
"No I wouldn't do such a thing,"Magnus Replied "I love you so much,"
"Then what is it?"Alec asked looking into his eyes with even more concern.
"I'm immoral and you're not,what happens when you die and ill be Alone?"
Alec stays silent "You won't have to worry about that,"
"What do you mean?" Magnus asked "Shadow hunters die young and I would have to watch you leave me!"he practically sobbed.
Alec had never seen Magnus like this ever.
"I'll never leave you Magnus and that's a promise look at me," Magnus slowly looks up at Alec as his boyfriend cupped his cheeks rubbing his thumb against it.
''What if I become immortal?"Alec asked.
Magnus stares at Alec with estonishment "you don't mean that,"Magnus said.
"Oh I would,"Alec replied "I really Would Magnus if it means I'll be with you forever then so be it! "Alec kneals up and takes Magnus's hand "what do you say?hmm we'll be together forever and nothing can pull us apart,"
"I want nothing more Alexander but you'll have to watch everyone you love die Jace,Isabelle! You love Isabelle so much,"Magnus tells him not wanting Alec to risk everything he loved just for him.
"I do so very much but you'll look after me,"Alec protested "please Magnus!"
Magnu had never seen Alec so desperate "oh Alexander if you're sure then yes I will be with you Forever!" Alec smashes his lips to Magnus's "you're my forever Magnus Bane,"he mumbled as they part
"And you're my forever Alexander Lightwood,"Magnus said before kissing Alec again.

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