Tessa's Birthday

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Okay so this is another Long one and it is another one of Will and Tessa, I also found myself losing the inspiration and motivation of writing this one the closer I got to the end but I wanted to publish another chapter for you guys as I dont know when i'll be able to write again for a while and I didn't want it to drag on so I think that the length is good enough and I am satisfied with how I ended it so I hope that it isn't a crap read 😂 not my best work but I do hope that you enjoy regardless.

This is a Modern Highschool AU

Will Herondale couldn't help but frown seeing that Tessa had fallen asleep next to him, her head pressed against the wooden desk letting out soft snores. This wasn't like her, Tessa would never fall asleep in class especially English and they were even studying her favourite Novel 'A Tale Of Two Cities' something was defenitly going on. Will could hear whispers and snickering of the other students around making his blood start to boil, if no one was going to be a decent human being and wake her up Will was going to do it.

But as Will goes to do just that, he froze and felt a physical lump at the base of his throat making it almost impossible to breathe, his heart was practically trying to thump its way out of his cage of lungs tightening Will's chest within every heart beat sounding loud in his ears. Will felt compelled and couldn't find himself to look away as he studied Tessa's face. Was she always this beautiful? No, of course she was, Will knew he had always thought so deep down despite how much he didn't want to admit it, Tessa had always found ways to take his breath away since the first day that Will had ever met her in the first English Class of the year, Tessa had just moved from 'New York City' at the time and from the moment she had first stepped into the Class room Will was hypnotised by looking into her Grey-Blue eyes which shone and sparkled their brightest whenever she laughed and smiled, scrunching up the few freckles on her cheeks whenever she does so.

For some reason Will felt that something was going to happen this academic year, he didn't know what before hand until his English Teacher 'Mr Starkweather' had made Tessa sit doen next to him and that was when Will knew, Tessa was what was going to happen and without her even knowing it she had changed his life.

Of course Will had never told her this, instead he just teased her about her adorable distinctive accent whenever she pronounces a word wrong like 'Pants' instead of 'Troussers' or how she says 'Scone,' he would enjoy their many book debates which would always lead them to arguments on the most atroscious of topics like 'Why A Tale Of Two Cities Is The Best Charles Dickens Novel' in Tessa's eyes and veiw point when Will strongly disagrees thinking it was pointless and depressing and much preferred 'Great Expectations' but neither of them could help it they were both strong and passionate readers, Will had never found someone who enjoyed the Classics as much as he does until he met Tessa, it was as if she was meant to be apart of Will's life somehow.

Tessa was beautiful both inside and out, Will gently reached forward and tucked a strand of her loose Brown hair and tucked it behind her ear so that he could just look at her for a few more seconds before waking her up, she looked so at Peace as she slept, like an Angel and Will didn't want to wake her up but knew that Tessa would never forgive him if he didn't and Will didn't want her to get into trouble with Mr Starkweather, she is his top student after all.

Will let's out a breath which he didn't realise that he had been holding and gently shook Tessa by the shoulders, "Tess..."he whispered "Tess, you need to wake up-" Tessa mumbled something under her breath as she stirred her head a little before opening her eyes that were full of sleep and daze looking directly at him, she gave Will a small exhausted tired smile which had only made Will automatically smile in return.

"Will..." She croaked out.
Will lets out a sharp breath, Did this happen every time that Tessa had said his name? Yes it did. "Hi Tess," said Will in a soft gentle voice that could easily lull Tessa back to sleep again. Tessa then looked at him confused "W-What are you doing in my room?"

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