The Legend of the Haunted Mansion

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"Where the hell has Magnus sent us?"Jace asked as he and Clary step through a portal to find themselves in the woods and to see a a rather old grand house standing infront of them.
Jace groaned almost immediately "He's got to be kidding,"he said "We are not staying here,"he turned to his wife and takes her hand "Create us a portal and lets get out of here,"he said,Jace started to walk the opposite direction but Clary stayed put and pulled him backwards "Jace,"she sighed "Its lovely of Magnus to book us a mini vacation away for us both to relax and get away from the institute."
Jace gave Clary an annoyed look furrowing his eye brows together "I.Dont.Relax."he said crossing his arms "and even if I did it wont be in an Old,Manky house like this one!"
Clary couldn't help but roll her eyes at how ridiculous her husband was being and she gently takes both of his hands rubbing her thumb smoothly against them. "Jace,"she sighed "You need to relax,"she said knowing how stressed Jace was being. Jace tried to protest however Clary cuts him off before he was able to say another word. "Youve been especially stressed about the baby,"she whispered looking down at her swollen belly.
Jace bit his lip looking at it aswell and placed his hand on it "Well everything needs to be perfect for our little one,"he said huffing slightly before removing his hand again. "Try to relax baby,"Clary begged "We need this." Jace rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat "Fine, you win."

The couple soon settled into their room they were staying in. The house was just like any other house: Bedrooms,A kitchen,A magnificent garden and an old,grand library it has
everything you can have in an old victorian house like this one.

Lying on the crinkled cream sheets and resting his head on the soothing soft pillows Jace watches Clary get dressed for bed in a vest top and A pair of shorts,Brushing her Red curls waving down her head and back and looking into her reflection sat at the dressing table that belonged to a Woman that once lived here long ago.
"You're beautiful you know that?"Jace asked watching Clary with pure love and admiration. Looking at Jace from the mirror Clary puts down her hairbrush showing a genuine smile walking over and lying down on the bed next to him as she cuddles into Jace resting her head on his shoulder as he drew patterns with his finger tip on Clary's growing baby bump. "Even when I'm fat?"Clary asked teasingly knowing what answer Jace is going to say. "You're not fat,"Jace said giving his wife a knowing look "You're beautiful and always will be,"he said giving her a soft and gentle kiss on her forehead. Humming in response Clary leans over the bed to get her back pack and taking out a small booklet from it with bold letters printed on the front. "The Ledgend of the haunted Mansion,"Jace read out loud with amusmant in his voice.
"Magnus gave it me,apparently it tells us all about the history of this house,"Clary tells him.

Jace's eyes widen with a horrified expression "Im sorry is Magnus trying to scare the crap out of us!?"Jace demanded. Clary however found this quite amusing "The Jace Herondale is scared of a silly Mundane Ghost story?when we fight Demons and do alot of supernatural things,"she lets out a small chuckle from her curvef lips. "Its not me,"Jace said sitting up "Its incase our baby gets scared." Clary knew Jace was making this up trying to hide the fact that he was scared.
"Jace the baby isn't born,"Clary pointed out. "I know that,"Jace said rolling his eyes "but Doctors say that it can hear us,"he whispered. Clary sits up and opens the book starting to read ignoring how ridiculous Jace was being.

"In the year 1888,A family named the Blackwells found and lived in Hathaways mannor,"Clary read out "A husband and wife John and Elizabeth Blackwell who loved eachother dearly and together they had two twin daughters named Vicky and Eliza. One day the two girls were outside playing in the back garden on a hot summers day until the two girls got hungry and found an apple's tree that belonged to their next door neighbour Mrs Dabney,working together the twins got them each an apple and ate every single bite of its deliciously goodness. Mrs Dabney however was not happy at all and watched the girls through her window eat her treasured apples and in secret planted a curse onto the family. The next few weeks the poor girls grew ill of an unknown deadly uncurible disease and died in extreme agony on a Friday the 13th and from the same disease Mr and Mrs Blackwell died the following two months,ledgends say that the Blackwell's spirits loam the Hathaway house and haunt anyone who stays here making extremely horrible things happen until they drive themselves crazy and leave the house for good."

"That story is stupid,"Jace declared the moment Clary finished telling it.
Giggling Clary nodded "See?"she asked. "Over apples really?"Jace asked in disbelief "and the twins could of gotten something way more tasty like:Chocolate,Candy or even spaghetti."
Rubbing her bump slightly Clary nodded with agreement even though they probably couldn't of gotten any of those foods in the victorian era well spaghetti anyway.

That very night Jace had an uneasy night,he kept tossing and turning and watching Clary sleep next to him peacefully. He despiesed to admit it but Jace was terrified incase the story that Clary told was true and there were ghosts that Jace couldn't protect Clary or the baby growing inside of her from as he didn't know how to fight or get rid of ghosts only Demons and Downworlders. Rubbing his hand against his forehead groaning slightly Jace leaned over and kissed Clary's forehead causing her to hum in her sleep and show a small smile as she slept. Grabbing his witchlight from his bedside table and carefully goes downstairs to get himself a glass of water.

Filling the glass carefully from the taps Jace turned to leave the kitchen that was giving him the creeps just by being in the room. Turning to leave when he sees a pair of very paled skin twin girls with brunette brown hair wearing a bonnet and maid dresses with a brown itchy skirt and an white apperon which had traces of blood soaking in the fabric. His eyes immediately widen and he drops his glass of water causing it to smash in smytherreins on the the wooden creeking floor as he immediately grab ahold of his sereph blade that was in his Pyjama pants pocket. "What the hell!?"he whispered with a pale and what seemed a traumatised look painted all over his face. The girls slowly start to walk in sync towards Jace "This has to be a halusination,"Jace muttered under his breath keeping his eyes squinted shut hoping and praying to raziel that it was a dream that this was not happening. "By the Angel please!"he begged however when Jace finally opened his eyes again the girls were still there. "We only wanted apples,"they both said looking extremely sad "We only wanted Apples,"they said getting even louder until finally they started screaming "WE ONLY WANTED APPLES!" That was when Jace could no longer take it and felt extremely dizzy that he could no longer stand or see what was reality and what was not. He lets out a shaken breath "Clary..."before everything went black.
"Jace...Jace...Jace baby can you hear me?"opening his eyes and looking around his surroundings Jace came to realisation he was in the bedroom himself and Clary were staying lying on the bed with the quilts drawn all the way over him. His eye sight was all a blur until it became a focus once his eyes landed on his beloveded Clary by his bedside holding his hand as gentle as could be. "Jace are you alright?"his wife asked running her fingers through his hair soothingly.
"The t-twins,"he stuttered he had sweat dripping from his forehead didnt look well at all. With a concerened look Clary planted a kiss on the top of Jaces head "What happened Baby?"she whispered.
Jace was still not able to speak properly due to how traimatized he was feeling. "Let me get you a glass of water,"Clary said getting up on her two feet,walking towards the bedroom door. "NO!"Jace immediately erupted "Not the water!" This sudden out burst some what frightened Clary a little. "Jace,"she sighed "You clearly arent well you need water,"she said.
"NO CLARY NO!"Jace cried out causing tears to roll down his fragile cheeks. He takes hold of Clary's hand as tightly as he could "Stay with me,"he whimpered "Please...stay with me."
"I'll be right back,"Clary whispered kissing him softly letting go of Jaces extremely tight grip leaving the room ignoring Jace's desperate cries.

With her glass full Clary turned to go upstairs and give Jace the glass of water,however Clary couldn't move. She tries to walk forward but she couldn't. It was as if something was grabbing hold of her ankle agonsingly tight that when Clary tried to move it started to hurt. Looking down Clary lets out an ear piercing scream as she saw a grey hand with gross black sharp nails grabbing ahold of her ankle rising from the floorboards. "JACE!"Clary screamed as the hand started to pull her downwards towards the floorboards.

Sprinting down the stairs despite his condition Jace ran hearing his Clary scream. His bloodshot eyes widen with pure horror as he sees a hand rise from the floor boards and pulling Clary through the floor. "CLARY!"He practically screamed as he ran as fast as he could to his wife's side trying to pull her out of the monsters hideous grip but this caused the hand to hold on even more tightly and pulling her down even faster then before. Tears streamed down Clary's cheeks soaking her innecont fragile face "Dont let go!"she begged holding onto Jaces two hands dreading to let go. "I won't,"Jace sobbed trying even more to save her however his hands started to slip. "No,"Jace whispered "No no no!"he cried with panic. "JACE!"Clary screamed as her shaking hands slipped through Jaces grip and Clary fell through the floor boards only leaving the remains of the smashed glass of water.

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