Sizzy's Double Wedding

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This story is based on the TV show and books as Simon is a shadowhunter in this, But most of the facts are from the TV show in case Cassie writes a wedding for them in the books.(I forgot to add the some characters in as I wrote this, so I apologise 😬)

"You're what?"Alec asked.
"We're having two weddings,"Izzy tells her family at a evening meal at Taki's it was a few weeks before Isabelle and Simon's wedding.
"Its just so my Mom and family can come to one,"Simon explained.
"We couldn't just leave one family out,"Izzy said "It wouldn't be fair."
Everyone grew quite and nodded with understandment "So how is this going to work?"Jace asked.
"Well we're going to have our Mundane wedding in the day time,"Izzy said.
"With a few Jewish Traditions,"Simon added. Izzy nodded "Yep we're having it at a beautiful Garden for the ceremony and the party is at a hired hall."
"I like the sound of this,"Magnus said sounding intrigued. "The Shadow hunters will have to hide their Runes though,"Izzy said "Simon's Mom doesn't know about the Shadow world and we don't think she would take it very well." Clary nodded "Thats Understandable, Don't you worry about that I'll make sure that not a single rune is in sight."
"Thanks Fray,"Simon said feeling really thankful for his best friend and parabati. "At Night we'll do the runes if you're not all too tired we can always do them in private we would both understand completely,"Izzy said. "We'll be there,"Alec said "For Both."

Izzy couldn't stop the smile from showing on her face "Okay so we also have roles for all of you for the big day,"Izzy said starting to get excited. "We're listening,"Magnus said starting to get extremely excited. Simon turned to look at Clary "Fray, I would like you to be my best Woman, I know that traditionally its a best Man but I can't think of anyone who I rather have then you for the job." Clary looked at Simon with complete awe "Awe Simon,"she said starting to feel emotional "I would be honoured."

Izzy looked at Mangus "Magnus I would like you to be my maid of honour and to help me get ready in the morning, You were the first person I thought of who can make me look fabulous." Magnus immediately started to clap his hands together and made a squealing noise that caused some other customers to turn and look at the table from their seats,however Magnus did not care.
"YES! YES! YES!"he screamed "I Would Love Too! Ofcourse I would!"

Finally Izzy looked at her two brothers "and finally Alec and Jace,"she said "Its okay if you don't want too but...I would like the both of you to give me away." Both Alec and Jace looked stunned and glanced at each other. "Its just that, Dad's not here anymore so he can't walk me down the aisle like a normal bride would,"Izzy explained "so I thought of the two of you,both equally important to me and who I love so much." Jace looked at Izzy showing a small smile "Izzy we would love too,"Jace said. Alec reached under the table and took his sisters hand squeezing it "We would be honoured to walk our little sister down the aisle,"Alec said with a wide smile.

It was the day of Sizzy's weddings and everything was ready in the garden's that was hired out for it. Their was so many wedding guests, on one side of the aisle was sat Isabelle's family who all had their runes covered up with make-up , Long sleeved dresses and suits, and Maia and Bat sat among them, and on the other side was Simon's family. At the end the aisle stood Clary who was wearing a blue shoulder length dress with her head braided into a crown with red roses plated into it and Simon who was wearing a black suit and tie with a Jewish Cap on the back of his head. "Are you okay?" Clary asked Simon. Simon looked slightly pale but smiled at Clary "I'm a little nervous," he admitted "but I've never been more excited in my life." Clary gave her Parabati a hug "You'll do great Simon," she tells him "I promise." Simon's Grandpa was going to ceronate the wedding so he was standing at the end of the aisle with them mumbling over a few words to himself as he paced back and forth wearing a white suit with a black tie also wearing a Cap matching Simon's.

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