Clace's dream house

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A story I found when I was sorting out my amino account that I did for a weekend challenge on the Shadow hunter amino.

"JACE! "Clary moans "can I open my eyes now?"Clary asked desperate to see what Jaces suprise was. Jace chuckled "Not yet Clary it'll ruin it I want this to be perfect,"Jace said guiding Clary who was blind folded.
"Okay you can look now,"Clary gasps as she takes her blind fold off.
"You like it?"Jace asked holding Clarys hand tight. "This is ours?"Clary asked unable to speak."No it's Simons of course it's ours you always wanted a house by the beach right?"Jace asked. "I do but I didn't except..." Jace cuts her off with a kiss on the lips "Well I did,you deserve this Clary We deserve this,"Jace holds both of Clarys hands.
Clary looks up at the beautiful house infront of her imagining her future here with Jace "I love it..."Clary said in a whisper.

"Just wait till you see the inside!"Jace said staring to get excited he takes Clary to the front door and gives her a key for the door.
Clary chuckled and opens the door slowly to look at everything with extra detail, she couldn't believe her eyes the house was a lot bigger from the inside then the outside it was also just as beautiful too.
"Oh my god Jace..."Clary looks in the hallway with wonder.

Jace hugs Clary from behind and rests his head on Clarys shoulder "You haven't seen the best of it,"he told her . Clary looks at Jace confused "There's More!?"Clary asked.
Jace smirks nodding and takes Clary by the hand showing her the house.
The kitchen was emaculate it was so spotless and tidy Clary couldn't wait to start cooking in it and invite her friends and family to have dinner with them she gasps seeing a COFFEE MACHINE!"And when we don't want to cook,"Jace goes to the side of the wall showing a small ipad "We can order takeout from any Takeaway shop,"Clary stared eyed wide that was amazing "Really?"she asked. Jace noded "anything,"

Jace couldn't help but feel even more excited showing Clary the next room this was one of them he spent ages on making it just right.
Clary opened the door and felt overwhelmed this was even better then the kitchen she looks around and sees Photographs on the wall framed of herself and Jace she chuckles looking at all of the memories she and Jace shared together. On the sofa was Audrey Hepburn coushins she was one of Clarys favourite actresses growing up and she got Jace watching her films with her on the wall was a pop art Audrey Hepburn clock which she loved.

"This will be our lounge,"Jace said "We can watch our Audrey Hepburn films you love so much,"he chuckles making Clary chuckle too.
"And there's so much more room for family photos like of our children,"Clary was shocked "You want children with me?"she asked breathless. Jace walks up to Clary and kisses her on the forehead "Of course I want children with you:Sons,Daughters you name it I love you so much Clary I want this to be perfect for us,"Clary kisses Jace back "and it will be,"she smiles . Jace smiles widely and takes Clary upstairs Clary looks at her surroundings and see even more photos of her and Jace as she walked up the stairs.

Upstairs was as big as downstairs there were so many rooms,Jace showed her the spare rooms first "Just incase guests come to stay we can set it all up for them,"Jace said.
Clary noded liking the idea Jace opens the door to a new room "This is our bedroom,"

Clary immediately fell in love, she ran and collapsed on the king sized bed looking around at the same time, on her right side was a dressing table with a varse of flowers and a small framed picture of her and Jace hugging and laughing

"Now check this out,"Jace opens a wardrobe door and in there was a walk in Wardrobe and weapon Room! "Woah..."Clary stared with amazement and walks in "This is so cool!"
"I know right,"Jace noded with agreement "We have everything in here clothes,Gear and Weapons!"

"Now the Final Room!"Jace takes Clarys hand and takes her too a closed door "after you,"Clary opens the door and felt her heart explode "You didn't!"she cried. Jace noded "I did, "Clary walks into the room jumping up and down her very own Art Studio!
"This all for you Clare,"Jace said "you have your own supplies of paints,Easles,Sketch books all kind of pencils and a Radio so you could listen to music while you're in here,"Clary felt tears roll down her cheeks "The view,"she said in a whisper she looks out of the window she dreamed of this when she was a little girl Living by the seaside painting and drawing.

"What's wrong?"Jace asked looking worried and panicked "Don't you like it!?"
Clary shakes her head "I love it Jace I just love it I just...never believed this would happen to me,"Jace hugs Clary tight "hey ssh don't cry,This is what you wanted?you happy?"Jace asked.
Clary nodded "I'm so happy,"she pecks Jace on the cheek "infact I want to do something for you..."Jace looked at her confused "what do you mean?"he asked.
"Go outside,"Jace looks at Clary even more confused Clary laughed and took him outside.
Jace opens the door and stared eyed wide "Oh my god...You Got Me A Motorcycle!?" Clary laughed "Yes,so we have a house I have an art studio you have a motorcycle a demon motorcycle like the one we stole at Hotel demort,It flies and everything!"
Jace hugs Clary tight and spins her around "This is perfect!We are going to have The Best Future,"Clary kisses him on the lips "We will."

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