You're The One That I Want

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Shadowhunters do Grease Part 5

This Chapter is Long, so I'm so sorry about that and can be triggering for some people as there's mention of Attempted Rape and violence.

There was one person in this world that Jace Herondale despised and Jace didn't like a lot of people, but this one person made Jace want to rip his own hair and teeth out (Which is a bit extreme on his behalf) this person always made Jace angry and grit his teeth causing pain that was numbing, even with the mention of his name Jace clenchesld a fist and wanted to punch a wall or even through his head against it, this is the power that this person has over Jace, and that person is...

Sebastian Verlac.

Where to even begin? Sebastian Verlac is just as popular as Jace, and Jace doesn't mind that BUT Sebastian always thinks that he is better than everyone else, mainly because Sebastian is British and Mommy and Daddy make alot of money, not only that but Jace always finds himself at competition with him, which he doesn't understand why as Jace clearly would win at everything but for real, there is always a comparison with the two especially about looks, Jace would hear girls that he had hooked up with debate "Who has the better hair?" Or "The better eyes and teeth?" The only Debate Jace would lose at is "Who has the sexiest accent?" and for some reason every girl finds a British accent sexy so that to irrates Jace about Sebastian, he never stops talking so he'd have to listen to his so called 'Sexy British Accent' brag about how much money he has with every purchase and vacation that he had made on his fancy Credit Card that seemed to be even more special then any other credit card because it was golden when it wasn't, he clearly hasn't worked a day in his life and Jace knows that Sebastian brags on purpose just to wind him up, and what's worse? Sebastian always goes after the Girls that Jace is seeing at the time and okay sure they might not be that serious of relationships but Sebastian seems to want to out game Jace and Nobody Out games the Almighty Jace, there is this number of things and the fact that neither of them seem to simply get along, from Day One Jace tried to be nice thinking that he could make a potential friend or Aly seeing that Sebastian is...not as good looking as him but still had potential but Nope as soon as Sebastian opened that mouth of his Jace wanted nothing to do with him, so you must imagine how Jace must of felt when he found out that Clary was going to go out on a date with him...

Jace was on cloud 9.
Now being off book, Jace walked to this weeks rehearsal now knowing Grease back to front and inside out, This for sure will impress Clary even further. As promised the past weeks and even weekends Clary had helped Jace with his numbers in the show, paticuarly his solo song 'Sandy,' and yes without Jonathan there too. Jace liked where his relationship with Clary is at and little did Jace know Clary is feeling the same way, Who knew that Clary would end up crushing on The Jace Herondale when for the past years Clary would of laughed at the thought of it.

The couple were even doing things together other than rehearsal when needing a break, which include: Watching a movie, Getting Takeout even simply talking to each other and Clary had learnt a big deal about Jace that she never knew before, she was starting to think...Maybe she shouldn't of been so quick to judge him? Whatever they were doing both Clary and Jace find that they were enjoying themselves with each other's company and now Jace is heading towards the next step of their relationship which is asking the big question of "Will you go out on a Date with me?" It can't be that hard right? Its not like Clary is going to say no...Right...Right? Jace shook the doubt from being planted in his head, he had to keep it cool, that's what Jace is known for, keeping every situation cool even when having his doubts.

Jace stopped at his tracks ever so suddenly when he spotted a sight that he never thought he would ever see,

Sebastian and Clary, talking and standing outside the auditorium...together. So that he couldn't be seen Jace hid behind one of the lockers not helping but eavesdrop on what they were saying, (Jace had always wished for an invisible glamour or power of some sort so that he could do this to many, many people) Jace couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this, just the sight of seeing Clary and Sebastian together made Jace's stomach churn and want to gag and throw up.

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