The Detention room

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This one shot is a high school AU and starring Aline and Helen. These two are opposite then how they are in the books and tv show.

Aline Penhallow had never had detention in her life. She was the principals daughter for the angels sake she had a reputation and she knew how disappointed her mother was going to be.
It wasn't even her fault. All Aline was doing was helping her cousin Alec Lightwood with the English homework set by Mr Starkweather by giving him quotes of the Bronte sisters from her homework sheet but apparently that is a No from the teachers rule book so here she is,it was also really annoying as she wrote a really good essay paper on the chosen Authors she decided to write about.

Walking into Mr Starkweathers classroom she sees that it was completely empty except from a girl with beautiful golden hair with streaks of purple and her eyes were a fascinating Blue-green colour. Aline couldn't help but stare at the unknown girl as she was drawing on her arm with black ink. "Ms Penhollow please take a seat,"Mr Starkweather asked. With a huff she dumped her school bag and slumped down on the seat as the older man wrote on the bored the time: 3:30 pm -4:30 pm. "The two of you have an hour,"he said before leaving the room and locking the door. Aline's eyes widened as she was left alone with the other girl: Was this supppsed to happen at a detention? "This is normal,"the girl tells Aline not keeping her eyes off her paper.
"What do you mean?"Aline asked.
"He just leaves for an hour and locks the door so we can do whatever we want to,"she responded.

With a slight nod Aline opened her bag and took out her copy of Jane Eyre,this was a golden opportunity to do some catch up reading. The girl snorted a little, looking up at Aline. "Reading. Are you serious?"she asked. Aline couldn't help but find this woman rather annoying she turned to face her "Its not just any book,"she said. "This is by Charlotte Bronte if you must know."
"You are such a nerd,"she scoffed.
"What would you rather do then?"asked Aline.
The girl only shrugged. "We could make out."
Aline's eyes widened "So you like girls?"she asked. "Both,"she responded "but women a little bit more but shush don't tell anyone,"she said with a cheeky smirk on her lips.
"You're in the closet?"Aline asked.
"Hell no,"she said "I am out and proud."

Aline couldn't help but feel a little jealous for this mystery girl. Deep down Aline always knew that she had an interest in girls but never told anyone. She was too scared of what everyone would think,especially her Mother as she was a religious Woman and wanted grand children of her own. "What about you?"the girl asked.
Aline didn't know what to say at all her palms suddenly became all sweaty and her heart felt like it was beating a million beats per second. "Oh I-I'm G-gay,"she stuttered.
Something immediately changed with the girls attitude and her eyes grew with kindness "and judging by how you told me you haven't come out yet?" Aline only nodded again.

"Oh sweetie,its okay,"the girl tells her "its an accepting world nowadays."
"Why do you care?"Aline asked "We've only just met."
"Because I can tell you are a decent person,"she said "the names Helen,Helen Blackthorn."
"Aline Penhollow."
"So you're the principals daughter?"Helen asked.
Aline nodded "I cant tell her that I'm gay she'll be even more heart broken then the day my Dad left, and we are a religious family. Catholic to be exact." Helen doesn't say anything but listens to Alines story. "This is boring anyway,"she said changing the subject hating that it was focused onto herself "what are you doing?"

"Drawing runes,"Helen responded. Aline looked at her paper and rolled her eyes "getting into the trends I see." Helen lets out a laugh "Hey I got to keep my reputation." Aline noticed that Helen had a very unique and angelic laugh that she wouldn't of minded to hear it again. "I draw them on my wrist and arms sometimes,"Helen rolled up her sleeves and reveals the markings she drew on her arm. Aline had to admit they looked very awesome and cool to have. "Would you like one?"Helen asked. Aline looked up at Helen and nodded she'd normally hate that she would have anything marked onto her skin but something was different with these markings that everyone seemed to be drawing and the fact that Helen was drawing them for her.

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