Summer Nights

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Shadowhunters do Grease part 3

"Jonathan, stop eating all the snacks!" Clary exclaimed as she puts a bowl of chips onto the living room glass table and instantly Clary's older brother Jonathan Morgenstern took a handful of chips shoving them into his mouth. Today Clary was hosting a movie day for her friends and the Lightwood siblings to watch Grease, it was clear once the cast list was up that the Lightwoods didn't know a lot about Grease which confused Clary a little as why would they sign up for a musical that they don't know about? Clary didn't think much of it but thought that it was a good idea that the Lightwoods have an idea of Grease and get familiar with it before rehearsal starts next week, it was also a great bonding exercise for Clary and her friends to get to know them better as they are playing opposite to the Lightwoods which the idea made Clary feel as if there are butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach, she still can't get her head around that she is playing Sandy and is having to play Jace's love interest which is something that Clary would never of thought would happen, regardless Clary wanted to give the best performance that she can in her first and last high school musical at Idris and to do that she must get along with Jace even if she didn't like the idea.

"Mom tell him!" Clary yelled,
Clary's Mother Joceyln walked down the stairs into the living room wearing a glistening pale peach skin hugging dress with long sleeves followed by her father Valentine wearing a Dark blue suit with a white buttoned up shirt, black trousers and a red tie, Clary's parents were going on a business dinner. Joceylen sighed, "Jonathan, please stop annoying your sister." Jonathan had his arms crossed as he slouched on the couch munching the chips that were in his mouth, "Why can she have her friends around and I can't have mine?" he asked, "Because," Joceyln said, "You are still grounded from what happened last time you had your friends over, we said no to house parties and you had one anyway!"
"But MOM!" Jonathan tried to protest before Valentine stepped in, "Hey!" he snapped "Don't talk back to your mother!" Valentine looked at his daughter, "Anyways this is for school work isn't it Clare?" he asked, "Yeah a school musical is work!" Jonathan mumbled under his breath, Clary only ignored her older brother and rolled her eyes, "Hey it's Clary's first lead in a school musical," Valentine corrected "So it is a big deal." Valentine booped her nose, "My little star." This comment made Clary blush and Jonathan to let out a slight snicker as he was trying not to laugh, every time that his sister blushes it matches the same colour of her hair and Jonathan loves to tease her about it. Valentine kissed Clary's forehead "Have fun kiddo okay? but not too much fun," Clary rolled her eyes in a teasing manner "Yes Dad." Valentine looked at his older son who was now on his phone, "And Jonathan, take care of your sister." Jonathan does a mocking salute with his hand, his eyes not leaving the screen "Yes sir," he mumbled. Joceyln gave both her children a kiss "Bye kids, have fun!"
"Bye," Clary waved, "Bye," Jonathan mumbled just as they left and the door had closed behind them.

Not even 5 minutes later and Magnus and Simon had arrived to help Clary finish set everything up for the Lightwoods, "The question is...why sign up for a musical they never heard of?" Clary asked her friends, Magnus walked out of the kitchen with a large bottle of Diet Coke and a bowl of pop corn "That's what worries me," he said "I don't think Alexander knows what he's in for," referring to Rizzo and Kenickie's relationship, "Maybe they wanted to experience different things like us?" Simon suggested, "They looked really happy with the parts that they were given," Simon smiled at the memory of how happy Isabelle's face was when she read that she was casted as Frenchie.
"Jace didn't," Clary mumbled "Maybe because I am not his usual book club members." Magnus frowned alittle, "I don't think that it's that biscuit," he tells her softly, "And we never know until they are actually in the room and have watched the movie."
Clary sighed popping a piece of pop corn into her mouth, "I hope you are right Magnus, I hope that you are right."

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