Johnathan's Princess

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This one shot is based on the Tv show when Johnathan finds out about Clary in Edom

Day 5,205. Johnathan didn't want to even open his eyes dreading for what today could bring, If he took it from experience Johnathan would know each day would only get so much worse while he is stuck in Edom. After debating whether to get up and greet Lilith (Mother of all demons) Johnathan gave in and with a groan he eventually sloped out of bed with rough mannerisms. Before going to meet with Lilith Johnathan quickly looked at himself in the nearest mirror and frowned once seeing how worse and server his blistered burns were applied all over what was once his fragile pale face, Right now he doesn't even recognise himself,he looked broken,A lost boy wanting to be found again,,desperate for real love and affection knowing with full facts that Lilith's love wasn't even the love a mother could give for her child.

It was so dark with a lonely atmosphere as Johnathan walked down the familiar ruines of the haunting tower he knew too well beneath his feet, as he could feel a shiver go straight through his body wanting to immediately stop and desperately wanting to escape this prison that he was forced to call home,However he knew he couldn't of even dared to try,Lilith was too powerful for him full of dark twisted magic running through her veins to her Johnathan is weak and knew what the consequences Lilith would of had in store for him was even worse and more agonising then the last.

Taking out a small, red rubber ball from his pocket Johnathan started to bounce it along the floors that were almost completely ruined and destroyed Johnathan desperately tried to bounce the ball as harshly as he could so the stoned floor boards will break and hope that maybe,just maybe he would never see that monster ever again in his life. When he was about to bounce the ball again he was stopped by the most taunting voice that made his hair from the back of his neck struck up. Not wanting to look up ever so slowly he lifted his head and forced himself to look at Lilith who was sitting on her throne. "My boy,"she whispered "What did I say about bouncing that thing in here?"she questioned. Lilth was wearing a pitched black,slim,silk dress that was hugging onto her waist and legs as where she sat. Her midnight raven hair was flowing down her back and Johnathan could see the stained blood painted onto her lips that only made him struggle to breathe and form a lump inside his throat that could cause him to choke.

"You wouldn't let me go outside," Johnathan replied in such a frightened and shaken voice. "You never let me go outside,"he said with a lot more force. Liliths face was filled with no emotion what so ever it was as if she was numb towards any emotion except Selfishness and greed. "Theres another,"Lilith replied in the same tone she would always speak in. Confusion filled Johnathans mind and he tilted his head sideways "Outside?"he asked unsure of what she had meant. "Way outside,"Lilith said getting up from her prized position seat and walking ever so slowly in her heels causing them to echo through the room towards the window "Your sister." This made Johnathan even more confused "But I only have a brother,"he said "The other Johnathan." Turning her head Lilith looked at the boy stood in front of her "Clarissa Morgenstern,"she simply stated yet alone so frightening and taunting it made Johnathans head start to spin. As soon as Lilith said the name 'Clarissa Morgenstern' it was music to his ears ,he had a sister someone who could truly love him from the heart. A smile formed onto his lips "I want to see her,"he said stepping forward "I want to see my sister," he said as joy and pure happiness filled his entire body "Is she in Edom?" "She's a threat to you,"Lilith said before walking towards Johnathan looking at him dead through the eyes,"Too us." The happiness almost immediately drained out of his face and it was replaced with fear and desperation. "Don't you understand?"Lilith asked walking even closer Closing him into the wall "No one is coming for you." She raised her hand towards his shaking damaged face. "N-no,""Johnathan whimpered as tears rolled down his cheeks making his burns sting bitterly "No more burns,I want to go home." "You are home,"Lilith said "I am your Mother,and your mother loves you,"she pressed her hand against his cheeks causing them to burn even more.

The pain was undescribable he thought he would of gotten used to them but he didn't, they only got even worse . It was as if he was crying out blood for tears and he couldnt stop screaming as the burns grew and burned even deeper into his flesh. Once Lilith removed her hand Johnathan sprinted towards the window to see that the tower was surrounded by roaring flames of the devil and the sky was full with a coat of black, choking smoke there was nowhere to go,Johnathan really was trapped. "HELP!"he screamed from the top of his lungs "Some one help me!"

Ever since hearing about Clarissa Johnathan was desperate and determind to find out all about his sister. He would make up stories inside his mind every night about Clarissa being a princess with long and beautiful red hair the same colour as him,and she would battle Lilith who was a witch who could transform into fire breathing dragons to save Johnathan who was a prince locked up inside the tower. However these stories never had a happy ending as deep down Johnathan knew he would never be saved,even his imagination could never save him.

One night while Lilith had gone to sleep,Johnathan took this as his chance to see if he could find anything about Clarissa in any shape or form. sneaking into one of the fibbidon rooms inside of the tower Johnathan started looking through books and cupboards filled with even more books and potions. "Come on," Johnathan muttered under his breath, he was starting to get frustrated that he couldn't find anything until a bright white light blinded him from the corner of his eyes causing a immediate reaction of squinting his eyes shut and shielding them with his hands.
Once the light dimmed Johnathan was taking deep breaths as he opened his eyes once again to see a vision of a young girl with fierce red hair curling down her shoulder blades sat on a bed covered with sketch books, pencils and paint inside of a rather old yet grand looking mirror. She was ever so beautiful Johnathan thought and with curiosity he continued to watch the young girl.

"Mom it was frightening,"the girl said she looked as if she had been crying. An older woman who looked like an older version of this girl came into the vision and sat down next to her and stroked the girl's curls back from her face "Ssh,"she hushed "Its okay,"she whispered "Tell me about it and draw it for me okay?" He didn't know why but Johnathan ever so wanted to hug this girl and comfort her, he didn't want her to feel any pain or fear of any kind. The girl took a deep breath and started to sketch in one of the books "There was this tower I was climbing, "she said "and underneath was a burning roaring fire." "Why were you climbing?"The older woman asked gently. "I was trying to save this prince,"she replied "he looked like me Mom...and he was covered in horrific burns yet he was so beautiful,"a small smile formed onto her lips as she told the story of her nightmare, "But there was this evil queen who kept him locked up and wouldn't let him leave and as I got to the top...I l fell all I could hear was his screams calling my name." Johnathan couldn't believe what he was hearing,The stories that he made up was the dreams this girl was having, this girl was Clarissa meaning the other woman was his mother, his real mother.

Banging on the glass ever so harshly Johnathan started yelling "Its me!"he screamed "Im the prince and youre my princess! I'm your brother!"Clarissa started to look around her surroundings as if she heard Johnathans desperate cries for help but she couldnt. With tears rolling down his cheeks Johnathan placed his hand onto his side of the glass "One day little sister we will be together,One day Lilith will pay for what she had done to us,we will be inseparable, I promise,"and That was a promise Johnathan knew he could never break

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