A Change Is Gonna Come

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In Audrey's dark room, she lays on her back looking up at the ceiling as she taps her hands on her stomach. Her alarm starts going off and she reaches her hand out to turn it off before going back into her previous position. She hears the sound of cooing and sits up to see Haleigh and Hunter sitting on their knees as they look at her through the spaces in the crib. She smiles at them before flinging her cover off of her in order to get up.


Meredith: In the practice of medicine, change is inevitable. New surgical techniques are created, procedures are updated, levels of expertise increase. Innovation is everything. Nothing remains the same for long. We either adapt to change...or we get left behind.


Standing at a nurses desk, Cristina looks through a chart before feeling a presence behind her and looks up to see her group of interns standing in front of her

Cristina: "I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, I already hate you. That's not gonna change."

Audrey: "Nurses station. They can either be your greatest ally or biggest enemy, all depends on how you treat them. My advice, treat them like they're freaking kings and queens."

Izzie: "Trauma protocols, phone lists, pagers. The nurses will page you. You answer every page at a run...a run. That's rule number two" she starts walking off and turns to see them standing in their spots, making her sigh "You're supposed to follow me." they all scramble to gather the materials

Alex: "Your first shift starts now and lasts 36 hours. You're grunts, nobodies, the bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, you write orders, you work every second night until you drop, and you don't complain."

Meredith: "On call rooms. Sleep when you can, where you can. You know, but not with anybody. Not attendings...especially not attendings. Sleeping with attendings...not a good idea. Where was I?"

George: "Um, rule number three. If you're sleeping, do not wake you unless a patient's actually dying."

Audrey: "The dying patient better not be dead when I get there, because not only will you have killed someone, you will have woken me for no good reason. Are we clear?"

Cristina: "Yes?" she nods to Lexie who raises her hand

Lexie: "That was four rules. You said five."

Cristina: "Rule number five...when I move, you move" she gets into a pose and they stare at her in confusion as she glances down at her pager in slight awkwardness "Go!" she orders and they all run out the room


Cristina: "I hate them." she says as they all sit on the beds in the empty hallway

Meredith: "You don't hate them. You hate you."

Izzie: "That was hideous. I feel like a fraud."
Alex: "I rocked it. I think I'm the new Nazi."

Audrey: "Oh, you are no where near the new Nazi." she scoffs as George walks up to the group

George: "Meredith, I need to talk to you."

Izzie: "George. Hi."

George: "Hey."

Izzie: "How was your vacation?"

George: "Um, fine. Um, Meredith, can we-"

Izzie: "Cause mine was...I didn't do much. I hung out alone...for 17 days. Which is the last time that I saw you, the day of Cristina's wedding, which was...well..." she trails off, glancing at Cristina who looks up at her "Then Mer and Cristina went on Cristina's honeymoon without me."

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