Life During Wartime

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Meredith: For a surgeon, every patient is a battlefield. They're our terrain, where we advance, retreat...try to remove all the land mines. And just when you think you've won the battle, made the world safe again...along comes another land mine.


Audrey: "Ugh." she groans, laying her head on the nurses desk

Cristina: "You look like death." she comes over with Meredith beside her

Audrey: "I feel like it."

Cristina: "Here." she holds out a coffee cup towards her, which makes her gag a little

Audrey: "Mm, no" she pushes the cup away from her face "This morning sickness is kicking my ass" she breathes, lifting her head up, looking at the doll in Meredith's hands "What's that?"

Meredith: "Anatomy Jane" she explains as they start walking down the hall "My mom bought it for me when I was 5...which is a super creepy gift for a 5 year old, but I kinda liked it."

Cristina: "Run!" she suddenly grabs both women's arms, pulling them down the hall as they give her confused looks

Audrey: "Okay. What the hell?" she pants after they reach a corner, pressing against the wall

Cristina: "I just saw Owen" she says, making the two furrow their brows in confusion "Major Owen Hunt. You know, the guy who pulled the icicle from my chest."

Meredith: "I thought he was in Iraq."

Cristina: "Well, yeah, he was and now he's here, I mean, at my hospital."

Audrey: "Okay, so?"

Cristina: " we kissed" she says, making their eyes widen "I mean he kissed me. It was stupid. It was nothing. It was a stupid nothing."

Audrey: "But you don't think he thinks it was a stupid nothing."

Cristina: "Well, I mean, he obviously likes me, and now he's back. What's he doing back?"

Meredith: "You don't think he quit the military for you."

Audrey: "I mean, that would be severely stalkery..."

Meredith: "But very romantic."

Audrey: "True."

Cristina: "I'm not getting involved with another attending. Coast clear?" Meredith peaks around the corner, giving a thumbs up


George: "Lexie, I'm your roommate. You're eventually gonna have to talk tme." the three hear as they walk towards the residents lounge, watching Lexie walk away from George

Lexie: "I reject that supposition."

George: "I reject your rejection."

Lexie: "And I ignore your rejection of my rejection."

George: "What?"

Meredith: "I don't reject you, George."

George: "Thank you."

Bailey: "Okay, two things, you all have a skills lab this morning. It is mandatory. Don't even think about trying to get out. Second, one of you will not have to go to the mandatory skills lab because you will be assisting me in my efforts to remove an inoperable tumor from a 10-year-old girl."

George: "I'll do it."

Bailey: "No, you won't. You have a hundred delinquent charts. You will do those after the lab."

Cristina: "Slacker." she scoffs

Alex: "How can you operate on an inoperable tumor?"

Bailey: "Karev is also out."

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