Great Expectations

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Meredith: No one believes their life will turn out just kind of ok. We all think we're going to be great. And from the day we decide to become surgeons, we are filled with expectation. Expectations of the trails we will blaze, the people we will help, the difference we will make. Great expectations of who we will be, where we will go, and then we get there.


Sitting in Burke and Cristina's apartment, Audrey, Julian, Meredith, Derek, and Burke sit at the table while Cristina sits on top of the counter munching through a box of cereal and an awkward silence runs through the room

Burke: "Meredith, Audrey would you like seconds?"

Audrey: "Yes, please." she holds her plate out for him to take it and he puts more food on it

Meredith: "I'm great" she shakes her head "Maybe Cristina would like some. Cristina would you like some?"

Burke: "I only made dinner for 5."

Meredith: "You just said there was seconds."

Derek: "This isn't at all awkward."

Julian: "You know, we could go, and let the two of you talk."

Cristina/Burke: "We're talking."

Audrey: "To each other. You're enjoying your meal at the international house of silence? Burke, you have to feed Cristina. She doesn't cook and she will starve."

Cristina: "I've got cereal." she holds up the box

Meredith: "You two live together. Someone has to be the first to speak."

Burke: "I am giving a dinner party. If she wants to sit there she can sit there. Let's just enjoy our evening and talk about something else."

Julian: "Ok, then." he clears his throat exchanging a look with Audrey, Derek, and Meredith

Derek: "I heard a crazy rumor today from one of the scrub nurses that Richard was retiring. "

Burke: "It's an interesting rumor." he hums and Cristina scoffs at him

Derek: "What? It's true? Richard's going to name a new chief of surgery?"

Cristina: "He asked Burke. But Burke took himself out of the running which apparently is my fault for being part of the team."

Derek: "He asked you?" he looks at Burke with wide eyes who nervously chuckles

Burke: "Who wants desert?"


Izzie: "George has turned into a sex machine" she comes into the locker room where the others are finishing up getting ready "Are you hearing me? A machine of sex. We have to do something. What's wrong with you people?"

Audrey: "I have two boulders pushing down on my bladder and have to pee every five freaking minutes."

Meredith: "Derek kept me up all night with his ranting. Cristina and Burke still aren't speaking to each other."

Cristina: "Oh you know what? I'm fine. I'm just not going to be the first one talking. He's going to be the first cause I'm in the right. Talking first is for losers. I'm winning."

Meredith: "And Alex. I don't know what's wrong with Alex."

Alex: "Nothing wrong with me. I'm all good."

Audrey: "You sure it has nothing to do with Dr. Montgomery." she gives him a teasing look

Alex: "Shut it."

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