Give Peace A Chance

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Derek: Ask most surgeons why they became surgeons, and they usually tell you the same thing. It was from the high, the rush, the thrill, that comes from cutting someone open, and saving their lives. For me, it was different. Maybe because I grew up in a house with four sisters. No, definitely because I grew up in a house with four sisters because it was the quiet that drew me to surgery.


Richard: "...Our schedule for several months now. Hospitals across the country Have reported substantial savings..."

Derek: "How bad is it today?" he asks Bailey as he comes to stand beside her and Audrey with Cristina beside him

Bailey: "The chief's implementing a computer model for scheduling our surgeries from now on. Something about efficiency and progress."

Richard: "And to make sure this was the right decision, I have enlisted one of our own to do a trial run for the last month. Dr. Sloan."

Mark: "I know what you're all thinking. It's a machine. It doesn't know me. It doesn't know what I like. But after using this new system for the past month, I gotta say, people, I'm a convert. This computer knows me better than I know me."

Audrey: "And when the computers all come alive I'm sure they'll use that knowledge to quickly wipe us out." she mutters to Cristina who scrunches her brows at Mark

Derek: "Chief, this thing has rearranged my schedule for the entire week. I mean, haven't we had enough change here already?"

Richard: "Change is good, everyone" he looks around the group before settling on Derek "Embrace it."

Bailey: "You two need to stop bickering. It's unattractive." she shakes her head at Derek as they all begin walking off

Audrey: "Oh, hey. Echo's appointment got pushed up."

Mark: "Alright. Might have to move some things around."


Derek: The operating room is a quiet place, peaceful. It has to be in order for us to stay alert, anticipate complications. When you stand in the O.R., your patient open on the table...all the world's noise, all the worry that it brings...disappears. A calm settles over you, time passing without thought...for that moment, you feel completely at peace.


Mark: "You know what this is about right?"

Derek: "Mnh-mnh."

Mark: "You're no longer daddy's favorite, so you've gone in search of some crazy ass tumor to get his love back."

Derek: "Actually, it's about my patient. I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm just looking."

Callie: "Isaac has a cord tumor?"

Cristina: "Oh, it's awesome. Look." she excitedly holds up the scan for her to see

Callie: "Awesome in a bad way. It's eaten five levels of his spine. Wait, you're not seriously considering trying to take it out?"

Cristina: "Of course he is. He's Shepherd."

Audrey: "What's this about a cord tumor?"

Cristina: "Look."

Audrey: "Holy crap." she breathes, looking at the scan Callie hands to her

Arizona: "It's a bad case of telephone, right? Isaac's got a bone spur or a herniated disk, not a..." she sighs, taking a look at the scan Audrey hands him "He diagnosed an osteosarcoma case for me a month ago. I thought it was a shadow, but it turned out to be the tiniest little lesion on an x-ray."

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