Not Responsible

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Derek: "I'm thinking we put the tub here. That way you can take a bath and look out the window at the trees. But that means we have to move the sink here, because there's no way we can get two sinks on that wall."

Meredith: "Okay."

Derek: "Okay, so do you want me to move the tub or you want to share a sink?"

Meredith: "I have one opinion, and that is that I just want a tub deep enough that it covers my knees and boobs..."

Derek: "Knees and boobs at the same time. Yeah, I gotta go. You're useless. Mwah. Love you."

Audrey: "He's building you a dream house."

Meredith: "I can't read these stupid things."

Alex: "You just don't give a crap." he snickers, walking into the kitchen

Meredith: "I'm taking baby drugs to make my uterus less hostile, and I don't know, it makes my eyes dry, and I have to squint to see, and I don't really care enough about the tub/sink relationship to, you know..."

Alex: "You should talk to that hot O.B."

Audrey: "You are always drumming up reasons to talk to that hot O.B." she chuckles, shaking her head in amusement


Meredith: Everyone figures doctors are the most responsible people they know. They hold lives in their hands. They're not flakes. They don't loose track of important details or make stunningly bad judgment calls. 'Cause that would be bad, right?


Teddy: "Ricky, big day."

Ricky: "Bring it on."

Teddy: "Is this your sister?"

Ricky: "This is my girlfriend, Julia."

Teddy: "You're kidding. He's been talking about you for months."

Julia: "I figured, if there was ever a day to take off work, it's when your boyfriend's getting new lungs."

Teddy: "Smart. She waited for the real fun. All right. Let's do this."

Jackson: "Well, your new lungs should leave Portland in about two hours. You haven't taken any of your cystic fibrosis meds since last night, right?"

Ricky: "No food, no water, no drugs."

Audrey: "Great. So we'll just do one last workup, and then we'll get you to the O.R."

Teddy: "Oh, and, uh, Julia, write down your number, please, and give it to Dr. Davidson."

Julia: "Why?"

Teddy: "Well, so we can call you when Ricky's in surgery if we have any news."


Audrey: "Did they come by with the forms?"

Ricky: "I think I signed 200 of them."

Jackson: "That sounds about right. You just gave us your firstborn" he chuckles, looking over at where Julia begins violently coughing "You need a drink of water, Julia?"

Julia: "Just asthma. Sorry..."

Ricky: "Nothing brings people together like respiratory disorders."

Audrey: "Mm. Romantic" she hums, bending down to help Julia pick up her purse after she drops it "Dornase?"

Ricky: "It's mine."

Audrey: "It has Julia's name on it."

Jackson: "Rick, why is she on dornase?"

Julia: "I'm gonna go."

Breathe~Grey's AnatomyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara