Author's Note

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I thought about this randomly the other day but does anybody else find it unfair how they blame Cristina for the fact that the cardio doctors left?

I'll accept Burke cause of their relationship and it would've been worse if he stayed

Erica was a horrible teacher who purposefully made it so Cristina wasn't on her service even though she was very good. Yeah she was a know it all but what exactly do you expect when she was pretty much running Burke's service and did numerous procedures by herself

And whatever happened to Dixon? She was all set to come work there if Richard gave her a better offer but we never heard from her again. And Bailey was the one who she had the problem with in the beginning. She felt that Bailey was mocking her and making fun of her because of her condition and that's why she left the first time but no one ever brought that up to Bailey

Cristina isn't easy and it takes a special someone to be able to teach her and give her the proper knowledge that she needs but she's not at fault for anybody leaving. And the fact that that was running thing with her just kind of irritated me

Also did anybody else feel like Teddy wanted to make herself seem superior after finding out about Owen and Cristina? Her legit first day after Owen told her about his relationship with Cristina she then went and changed the way she acted towards her. It didn't last long but still. Also she was well aware of the fact that Cristina wasn't as opening to her and she had no problem with it so that can't be used as an excuse

Sorry for this little rant but I had thought about it days ago and remembered just now.

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