The Name Of The Game

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Meredith: A good basketball game can have us all on the edge of our seats. Games are all about the glory, the pain and the play-by-play. And then there are the more solitary games.


Joe: "Dude, is she knitting?" he asks Derek as they stand behind where Meredith is sitting at the bar

Meredith: The games we each play all by ourselves.

Derek: "You know, as a friend, I got to tell you, you look a little weird."

Meredith: "I am making a sweater."

Joe: "You're knitting. In a bar. You can't knit in a bar. You're scaring the customers."

Derek: "Come on, have a drink."

Meredith: "I can't have a drink. I'm celibate."

Joe: "You mean sober? She means sober."

Meredith: "No. Celibate. I'm practicing celibacy, and drinking does not go well with celibacy, because it makes everything and everyone seem kind of porny. And then my head gets all cloudy and then the next thing you know, I'm naked. And my point is, I'm celibate, and knitting is good for surgical dexterity, so I'm making a sweater."

Derek: "You, celibate? I just don't buy it."

Meredith: "No more men."

Addison: "No more men? Really? You?" she comes and sits next to them at the bar "And I'm asking because we are friends."

Meredith: "Every guy I meet turns out to be married."

Derek: "Ooh. Ouch."

Meredith: "Sorry. Or Mark."

Addison: "Ok, I'm gonna go over there now."

Meredith: "Sorry" she calls out as Addison walks away "Or my roommates brother."

Derek: "Wait what?"

Meredith: "Oh yeah I slept with Audrey's brother. But I didn't know that he was her brother until after" she shrugs "Or remember the horrible thing I did? Remember George?"

Derek: "You're making a sweater."

Meredith: "I am making a sweater." she nods as he pats the table and walks over to where Addison is sitting


Meredith: The social games, the mind games, we use them to pass the time. To make life more interesting.


Audrey: "Alex!" she exclaims in horror when she comes down the hall and sees him, making her instantly close her robe "What the hell are you doing here?"

Alex: "Left some things here. Figured since Izzie wasn't gonna be home that now would be a good time to get it" he shrugs, taking a look at the outfit she's wearing and a smile comes over his face "What are you doing?"

Audrey: "Videochatting with Julian. First time I have the house completely to myself."

Alex: "Nice" he smirks "Hey you mind if I join you?"

Audrey: "Get out."

Alex: "I can just sit to the side. Not say anything."

Audrey: "Get. Out." she grabs his shoulder and pushes him towards the stairs while he laughs


Meredith: To distract us from what's really going on. There are those of us who love to play games. Any game. And there are those of us who love to play...a little too much.

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