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Meredith: My college campus has a magic statue. It's a long-standing tradition for students to rub it's nose for good luck. My freshman roommate really believed in the statue's power and insisted on visiting it to rub it's nose before every exam. Studying might have been a better idea. She flunked out her sophomore year. But the fact is we all have little superstitious things that we do. If it's not believing in magic statues, it's avoiding sidewalk cracks, or always putting out left shoe on first. Knock on wood. Step on a crack, break your mother's back. The last thing we want to do is offend the gods.


George: "Four surgeries, four fatalities and the day has barely started" he looks down at Cristina who is laying on the bench and eating a granola bar "Can I have a bite of that?"

Cristina: "No. You're in my apartment, you don't get to be in my food."

George: "Dr. Burke gave me a protein bar this morning."

Cristina: "Burke packs his lunch for him. Did I mention?"

Izzie: "I talked to the morgue guy this morning."

Meredith: "The one with the unibrow?"

Izzie: "The one with the like teeth thing. And he said that surgical fatalities come in threes and sevens. Says there'll be three more before midnight."

Audrey: "Oh well we should totally believe it because the morgue guy said so."

Izzie: "He's the morgue guy. He knows things about death."

Meredith: You dropped this" she holds out George's hat and he just walks away "He's still ignoring me.

Cristina: "Ignore him back."

Meredith: "Derek says I should apologize until he listens."

Audrey: "Derek says?"

Meredith: "It's good advice. He's my friend. That's good friend advice."

Bailey: "Come on." she comes into the locker room

Audrey: "Where?"

Bailey: "ER."

George: "All of us?"

Bailey: "We've all had deaths. Let's all go save a life." they all follow her down the halls where they run into Addison who stands at a nurses desk

Addison: "Uh, Dr. Bailey. Here you go." she hands her a cup

Bailey: "What's this?"

Addison: "Hot cocoa. It's a little ritual we had in New York. Four surgeries, four deaths, I figure we could all use a little good juju."

Bailey: "And cocoa equals juju how?"

Addison: "Hey, hey, hey. Don't question the cocoa. Carry on."


Cristina: "Great. No blood, no guts, no lives to save. It's dead quiet." she says as they stand in the patientless ER

Bailey: "Did you really just say that?"

Izzie: "Cristina."

Cristina: "What?"

George: "You said the Q-word."

Izzie: "It's like saying Macbeth in the theater."

Cristina: "Please" she scoffs "You think because someone says it's quiet that it'll mean-"

Woman: "Can somebody help us here? She's coughing up blood."

Bailey: "O'Malley! Take that." she motions for him to go as people's pagers start beeping

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