Suicide is Painless

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Owen: Dying isn't easy. The body was designed to stay alive...thick skulls...strong hearts...keen senses. And when the body starts to fail...medicine takes over. Like I said, dying isn't easy.


Mark: "Three dates, no sex. Just talking. Do you have any idea how much you can learn about someone if you remain upright?" he chuckles, standing in a research lab with Audrey, Callie, and Arizona. The younger one placing Echo's hearing aids on a table "Like I'll bet you didn't know Teddy hates the word "moist." Hates it. Would really prefer people say "damp." You hear me? I'm growing again. I'm, like, grown." he exclaims, Audrey and Arizona chuckling at his enthusiasm

Audrey: "And we are so proud."

Arizona: "She's making cartilage from scratch. She's a little preoccupied these days. It's super hot" she awes, pressing a kiss to Callie's lips "I'm gonna be late."

Callie: "Bye" she breathes, watching her walk out the room before turning to face the other two "She doesn't want kids. Arizona doesn't want kids. In her womb, in her house, ever. She told me."

Audrey: "What did you say?"

Callie: "Nothing. I mean, we're doing so great. I don't want to ruin it by being the crazy, desperate girl with the aching womb."

Mark: "Better than being the crazy, childless woman Who sits out at the playground watching the children play. They have laws for people like that."

Audrey: "And not so flattering names."

Mark: "You gotta tell her."


Alex: "How close?" he asks Jackson and Charles when he comes out to the ambulance bay

Charles: "Two minutes."

Jackson: "It's Nicole, right?"

Audrey: "Huh. Three guys waiting on an ambulance? Must be Nicole behind the wheel."

Charles: "Have you seen her ass? Man, I'd love to hit that."

Audrey: "Oh, please, like you'd ever get the chance." she scoffs, Alex nudging her in the side when he sees Richard come over

Jackson: "Morning, chief."

Charles: "Sorry about that, chief. I..."

Richard: "That's quite all right. And, um, I'm not the chief." he waves him off, perking up when the ambulance arrives

Audrey: "Hey, Nicole."

Nicole: "What's up girl" she greets with a smile "Nick Kelsey, 32, injured skiing off a helicopter. Vital signs are stable."

Nick: "It wasn't the helicoer that did it. It was the avalanche."

Nicole: "Idiotic either way. He's got two idiot friends coming in behind him, But he's got the worst of it. Open fracture to the left tibia and left hip fracture" she informs, stepping inside the ambulance to grab a chart "What are you looking at, chachi?" she questions, giving a look to Charles who stares at her ass

Audrey: "Like I shot." she smirks, giving an amused look to Charles


Callie: "I need to reduce this ankle dislocation. Give him 10 of morphine."

Mark: "I need to treat his frostbite. Nick, you like the tips of your fingers?"

Nick: "Yes, please."

Jackson: "You jumped out of a helicopter on skis?"

Nick: "Yeah. You can't get powder like that anywhere else."

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